Known Issues in 20190923 autoPROC release:


Please also check the autoPROC home page and the news page for updates and snapshot releases.

Bruker Photon-II data

The same issue as in previous versions still seems to exist.

PDF report generation on Mac OsX (most likely fixed in 20191129 release)

We have reports of problems regarding PDF generation on OsX (e.g. 10.13) systems. This should not prevent autoPROC from running to the end of a job - even if there are warnings/error messages. It is not yet clear what causes these issues and why it only happens on (some) OsX systems, but we are investigating this.

Eiger/HDF5 16-bit data (fixed in 20191129 release)

Temporarily inactive pixels are handled incorrectly with the current Dectris/Neggia plugin when data was collected in 16-bit mode. For more details please see here.

This will be corrected in the next autoPROC release. In the meantime, please add


to the command-line if processing 16-bit Eiger HDF5 datasets.