Different beamlines might require specific settings whenever the image header doesn't contain a full description of the experimental setup. The main items often missing from image headers are
These might even change for a given beamline with time or when modifying the beamline setup.
Here we want to collect information about specific beamlines to help you getting started when processing datasets with autoPROC. However, it is still required to double-check those settings - eg. with the best dataset from a specific shift. Ideally, you would want to write a macro for a particular beamline so that one could run eg.
% process -M XYZ-123 ...
for all datasets collected at beamline 123 of synchrotron XYZ.
If you have information about beamlines not covered here (or with changed settings), please let us know at proc-develop@globalphasing.com. Even better: if beamline staff could provide us with some example dataset whenever a significant change in beamline configuration occurs (or place any example/calibration dataset on some publicly accessible site for us to pick up).
If no arguments are given in the table below, then autoPROC should work right out-of-the box (given the example datasets we had access to). If there are updates or different experiences - please let us know (proc-develop@globalphasing.com)!
Synchrotron | Beamline | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Arguments to process | Remark |
ALBA | XALOC - BL13 | 20121120 | Pilatus 6M | |
ALS | 4.2.2 | 20160211 | to be determined | RDI CMOS_8M detector |
20110929 | ReverseRotationAxis="yes" | NOIR-1 detector | ||
5.0.1 | 20031212 | BeamCentreFrom=header:x,-y autoPROC_TwoThetaAxis="-1 0 0" | ADSC Q4 (S/N 402) | |
5.0.2 | 20170429 | Pilatus3 6M, S/N 60-0131 | ||
20130111 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x | |||
20110424 | BeamCentreFrom=header:x,-y | |||
8.2.1 | 20140115 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x | For newer ADSC detector (S/N 905) | |
20110908 | BeamCentreFrom=header:x,-y autoPROC_TwoThetaAxis="-1 0 0" | For older ADSC Q210 detector (S/N 445) | ||
8.2.2 | 20121017, 20180502 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x | detector (S/N 905) | |
20071004 | BeamCentreFrom=header:x,-y | detector (S/N 905) | ||
8.3.1 | 20121219 | BeamCentreFrom=header:x,-y autoPROC_TwoThetaAxis="-1 0 0" (or: –M Als831) | see Note 3 and here | |
12.3.1 | 20121205 | BeamCentreFrom=header:x,-y autoPROC_TwoThetaAxis="-1 0 0" (or: –M Als1231) | see Note 3 | |
APS | 14-BM-C BioCARS | 20081014 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes | ADSC QUANTUM 315, S/N 910 |
17-ID / IMCA-CAT | 20100121 | autoPROC_TwoThetaAxis="-1 0 0" | ||
19-ID SBC-CAT | 20171018, 20160317 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes | Dectris PILATUS3 6M, S/N 60-0132 | |
20150209 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes beam="1584 1497" | ADSC QUANTUM 315R (S/N 458); see Note 1 | ||
20110609, 20130727, 20140602 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes beam="1577 1496" | ADSC QUANTUM 315R (S/N 458); see Note 1 | ||
20101210 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes beam="1570 1491" | ADSC QUANTUM 315R; see Note 1 | ||
19-BM SBC-CAT | 20090406 | beam="1052 1003" | ADSC QUANTUM 210R, binned; see Note 1 | |
20081210 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes beam="1579 1520" | SBC-3 detector; see Note 1 | ||
21-ID-D LS-CAT | 20160310 | see here and beamline documentation | Eiger 9M | |
20130423 | MarCCD, S/N 023 | |||
21-ID-F LS-CAT | 20181025 | Rayonix MX-300 s/n 023 | ||
20130310 | MarCCD, S/N 019 | |||
20080725 | beam="1521 1526" | see Note 1 | ||
21-ID-G LS-CAT | 20130209 | MarCCD, S/N 025 | ||
23-ID-B GM/CA | 20081011 | |||
23-ID-D GM/CA | 20071025 | |||
24-ID NE-CAT | 20081010 | BeamCentreFrom=header:x,-y | ADSC QUANTUM 315, S/N 911 | |
Australian Synchrotron | MX1 | 20180901 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x | ADSC QUANTUM 210, S/N 457 |
20130909, 20170401 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x ReverseRotationAxis=yes | ADSC QUANTUM 210, S/N 457 | ||
MX2 | 20180129 | Eiger 16M, E-32-0106 | ||
20171009 | see here for details | Eiger 16M, E-32-0106 | ||
20130909 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x ReverseRotationAxis=yes | ADSC QUANTUM 315 928, S/N; very old images have no date in image header | ||
Bessy | 14.1 | 201301 | ? | PILATUS 6M |
20121120 | MarCCD detector (MX-225) | |||
14.2 | 201412 | ? | PILATUS 2M | |
20121120 | MarCCD detector (MX-225) | |||
14.3 | 201301 | ? | MarCCD detector (MX-225) | |
CLSI | 08ID-1 | 20110920 | Rayonix MX300 CCD detector (S/N 34) | |
Diamond Light Source | I03 | 20210423-20210622 | autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="2079 4149 2749 3263" (two misbehaving modules) | Eiger2 XE 16M (E-32-0117) |
I04 | 20171114 | "–M DiamondI04" (to define SmarGon setup correctly) | ||
I23 | 20171129 | "–M DiamondI23" (to define detector, gioniostat and shadowing) | Pilatus 12M | |
I24 | 20191021,20170526 | autoPROC_XdsKeyword_ROTATION_AXIS="0 -1 0" | ||
Elettra | XRD1 | 20150505 | Pilatus 2M (24-0103) | |
ESRF | BM-14 | 20070909 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x | MarCCD detector storing beam-centre in mm instead of standard pixels (automatically adjusted within autoPROC) |
ID14-1 | 20070821 | ADSC, S/N 444 | ||
ID14-4 | 20121206 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x | ||
ID23-2 | 20181114 | autoPROC_XdsKeyword_ROTATION_AXIS="0.0 -1.0 0.0" | Pilatus3 X 2M, S/N 24-0118, MD3Up micro diffractometer. Please note that Kappa and Phi angles seem to be recorded incorrectly in the headers | |
20180207 | autoPROC_XdsKeyword_SENSOR_THICKNESS=0.45 autoPROC_XdsKeyword_ROTATION_AXIS="0.0 -1.0 0.0" | Pilatus3 X 2M, S/N 24-0118, MD3Up micro diffractometer | ||
20161001 | autoPROC_XdsKeyword_SENSOR_THICKNESS=0.45 | Pilatus3 X 2M, S/N 24-0118 | ||
ID29 | 20181005 | –M EsrfId29 autoPROC_XdsKeyword_SENSOR_THICKNESS=0.45 | ||
–M EsrfId29 | ||||
MASSIF-3 (ID30A-3) | 20160307 | see here | Eiger 4M | |
ID30B | 20181003 | autoPROC_XdsKeyword_SENSOR_THICKNESS=1.00 | PILATUS3 6M, S/N 60-0128 (header incorrectly reports thickness as 0.32 mm) | |
LNLS | MX2 | 20170328 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="104,1624 473,144" | see also Note 5 for Pilatus-2M specifics; Dectris Pilatus 2M, S/N 24-0109; thanks to A. Nascimento for test data |
09/2016 - 11/2016 | see Note 5 for Pilatus-2M specifics | Dectris Pilatus 2M, S/N 24-0109 | ||
NSLS-II | 17-ID-1 (AMX) | 20190208 | Eiger 9M | |
NSLS/BNL | X25 | 20110319 | Some older datasets have distance stored as mm when it should be m | |
X26C | 20130422 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x | ||
Petra | P14 | 20140121 | autoPROC_XdsKeyword_ROTATION_AXIS="0 -1 0" autoPROC_XdsKeyword_FRACTION_OF_POLARIZATION=0.98 | |
Photon Factory | BL-1A | 20160309 | see here | Eiger 4M |
BL-17A | 20111209 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x | ||
SLS | PX-I/X06SA | 20160307 | see here | Eiger 16M |
PX-II/X10SA | ||||
PX-III/X06DA | –M SlsPXIII | Pilatus 2M with PRIGo goniometer | ||
Soleil | Proxima1 | 20170622 | pixels in module gaps wrongly marked as "0" and not "-1" | see Note 5 for Pilatus-6M specifics |
20111027 | –M SoleilProxima1 | Pilatus 6M detector | ||
20110630 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x | ADSC S/N 927 | ||
Proxima2 | 20170705 | |||
20160314 | see here | Eiger 9M | ||
20131004 | BeamCentreFrom=header:y,x | ADSC S/N 927 | ||
SPring-8 | BL44XU | 201812 | Eiger detector (HDF5 formatted datasets, i.e. *_master.h5) | |
all other MX beamlines | 20160510 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes | (Thanks to Keitaro Yamashita) | |
SSRF | BL17U1 | 20201105 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes autoPROC_Setup_StopOnDateError=no | Eiger 16M, S/N E-32-0111 (as mini-cbf files): no data collection timestamp in header and fairly inaccurate beam centre values |
20191021 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes | |||
20191012 | image headers for unbinned (4096x4096) mode contain incorrect beam centre definitions | work in progress to fix header issues (in collapboration with beamline staff) | ||
20151229 | (Thanks to Qingjun Ma) | |||
BL18U-1 | 20191021, 20181203 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes | (Thanks to Xiaoming Zhou) | |
BL19U-1 | 20191021, 20151229 | ReverseRotationAxis=yes | (Thanks to Qingjun Ma) | |
SSRL | all | see Note 2 | ||
BL12-2 | 20190514 | see here about damaged pixels | PILATUS 6M, S/N 60-0101 | |
BL7-1 | see Note 4 | |||
BL9-2 | 20210803 | when using a detector offset (i.e. translating the detector), the required shift in direct beam position is applied incorrectly (wrong sign) within the image header. The XDS.INP files produced by autoXDS have the correct value (shift with the correct sign) and you could use these values with the beam="<X> <Y>" command-line parameter. |
As mentioned above: please let us know of beamlines not covered or any problems with data from a specific beamline at proc-develop@globalphasing.com!
The image header unnecessarily contains wrong information about the beam centre. It is not just a question of coordinate system convention (which could be dealt with using the BeamCentreFrom=header:X,Y system), but the actual values are wrong. The beamline provides a so-called def.site file for HKL-3000 that contains the correct beam centre - but the image headers are left with incorrect values.
The fact that the image header content is not updated makes it more difficult to process datasets with other programs than HKL-3000, thus giving the wrong impression that data can only be processed successfully with a single program. Furthermore, the date recorded in those def.site files is wrong most of the time - probably because those files are edited by hand. So a file like http://www.sbc.anl.gov/hklint/19ID/19ID_Q315r_2011_01/def.site requires a bit of detective work:
6/21/2012 11:38 AM 2390 def.site
{last_saved,date} {14:36:40 Oct 09, 2009}
If you have access to the def.site file, you can try and take the values given in there (usually in mm)
% grep "[xy]beam" def.site
together with the pixel size from running imginfo on an example image to get the beam centre (in pixels) for running autoPROC. For the above example this would give you a beam centre of (1496.09,1576.66) when the image header has (1541.016,1564.453) - which is wrong no matter what coordinate convention one uses.
Remember that the X- and Y-coordinates obtained from a def.site file often need to be swapped to go from HKL/Denzo convention to autoPROC/XDS convention.
Some resources for def.site files:
Unfortunately, often these files with correct information at the time of data collection are no longer available. In that case, the option BeamCentreFrom=getbeam:refined could be used as a last resort - or finding a dataset that did process correctly from the same session and use those values. Needless to say, manual inspection of the predictions is essential here.
Of course, the correct solution to this problem would be for the beamline control software to write correct beam centre values into the header in the first place! Especially since exactly that information seems to be available for writing those def.site files - and not writing it to the actual experimental results (images) seems rather odd. This would make it much easier to process data from these beamlines with more than just one software package.
All data available to us for SSRL beamlines shows the same characteristics:
So no special keyword is required - nice! Some details (using datasets from the JCSG repository:
ssrl4-11_1 Beam centre in X [pixel] = 2047.992 Beam centre in Y [pixel] = 2047.992 10 Apr 2008 - 26 May 2011 <beamx,beamy> = 2047 2050 from 48 datasets ssrl4-9_2 Beam centre in X [pixel] = 2047.992 Beam centre in Y [pixel] = 2047.992 17 Jan 2009 - 22 Apr 2011 <beamx,beamy> = 2047 2047 from 78 datasets ssrl4-12-2 Beam centre in X [pixel] = 2047.992 Beam centre in Y [pixel] = 2047.992 08 May 2009 <beamx,beamy> = 2050 2049 from 6 datasets ssrl1-9_2 Beam centre in X [pixel] = 1535.267 Beam centre in Y [pixel] = 1535.267 <beamx,beamy> = 1534 1536 from 41 datasets ssrl2-11_1 Beam centre in X [pixel] = 1535.267 Beam centre in Y [pixel] = 1535.267 <beamx,beamy> = 1535 1536 from 16 datasets Beam centre in X [pixel] = 2047.992 Beam centre in Y [pixel] = 2047.992 18 Jan 2007 - 10 Mar 2007 <beamx,beamy> = 2048 2050 from 7 datasets ssrl3-11_1 Beam centre in X [pixel] = 2047.992 Beam centre in Y [pixel] = 2047.992 07 Apr 2007 - 01 Feb 2008 <beamx,beamy> = 2049 2051 from 16 datasets ssrl2-9_2 Beam centre in X [pixel] = 2047.992 Beam centre in Y [pixel] = 2047.992 29 Apr 2006 - 16 Mar 2007 <beamx,beamy> = 2049 2048 from 7 datasets ssrl1-11_1 Beam centre in X [pixel] = 1535.267 Beam centre in Y [pixel] = 1535.267 <beamx,beamy> = 1536 1535 from 40 datasets ssrl1-9_1 Beam centre in X [pixel] = 1535.267 Beam centre in Y [pixel] = 1535.267 <beamx,beamy> = 1535 1538 from 10 datasets
The beam centre in the image header is given including the 2-theta offset. In order to get the beam-centre at datum position, one needs to calculate backwards using a wrapper to our imginfo program: this is provided by using those macro definitions within autoPROC.
Thanks to James Holton for confirmation and providing further details regarding ALS beamlines.
According to documentation the beamline should be equipped with a "Huber Kappa-geometry goniometer", but image headers for ADSC detector 902 only store Phi angle (missing Omega and Kappa values). Also: no date information is stored in the header.
If the pixels within module gaps of Pilatus/Eiger detectors are not correctly marked (e.g. they have a value of "0" instead of a negative value), use the appropriate setting below:
process autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="0 4151 514 552 |0 4151 1065 1103 |0 4151 1616 1654 |0 4151 2167 2205 |0 4151 2718 2756 |0 4151 3269 3307 |0 4151 3820 3858 |1030 1041 0 4372 |2070 2081 0 4372 |3110 3121 0 4372" ...
process autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="0 1031 514 552" ...
process autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="0 2071 514 552 |0 2071 1065 1103 |0 2071 1616 1654 |1030 1041 0 2168" ...
process autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="0 3111 514 552 |0 3111 1065 1103 |0 3111 1616 1654 |0 3111 2167 2205 |0 3111 2718 2756 |1030 1041 0 3270 |2070 2081 0 3270" ...
process autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="0 2464 195 213 |0 2464 407 425 |0 2464 619 637 |0 2464 831 849 |0 2464 1043 1061 |0 2464 1255 1273 |0 2464 1467 1485 |0 2464 1679 1697 |0 2464 1891 1909 |0 2464 2103 2121 |0 2464 2315 2333 |0 2464 2527 2545 |0 2464 2739 2757 |0 2464 2951 2969 |0 2464 3163 3181 |0 2464 3375 3393 |0 2464 3587 3605 |0 2464 3799 3817 |0 2464 4011 4029 |0 2464 4223 4241 |0 2464 4435 4453 |0 2464 4647 4665 |0 2464 4859 4877 |487 495 0 5072 |981 989 0 5072 |1475 1483 0 5072 |1969 1977 0 5072" ...
process autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="0 982 195 213 |0 982 407 425 |0 982 619 637 |0 982 831 849 |487 495 0 1044" ...
process autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="0 488 195 213" ...
process autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="0 1476 195 213 |0 1476 407 425 |0 1476 619 637 |0 1476 831 849 |0 1476 1043 1061 |0 1476 1255 1273 |0 1476 1467 1485 |487 495 0 1680 |981 989 0 1680" ...
process autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="0 488 195 213 |0 488 407 425" ...
process autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="0 2464 195 213 |0 2464 407 425 |0 2464 619 637 |0 2464 831 849 |0 2464 1043 1061 |0 2464 1255 1273 |0 2464 1467 1485 |0 2464 1679 1697 |0 2464 1891 1909 |0 2464 2103 2121 |0 2464 2315 2333 |487 495 0 2528 |981 989 0 2528 |1475 1483 0 2528 |1969 1977 0 2528" ...
This should be automatised in autoPROC releases after 20171114.
78507e20a893b0cd280320a6d9a6467b x_geo_corr.cbf d74423e8c78eef05985a8a1b98de5e6c y_geo_corr.cbf
02db5b21df71d39d26ad41db27a1343d /data/id23eh1/inhouse/opid231/x_geo_corr.cbf.bz2 3d7a56af9c5faab7efa4c35616616c7d /data/id23eh1/inhouse/opid231/y_geo_corr.cbf.bz2 109bfdcc9f00f78b356c828738d1f79b /data/id23eh2/inhouse/opid232/x_geo_corr.cbf.bz2 a3a6f7b827656351a3e28197ec7dd4bd /data/id23eh2/inhouse/opid232/y_geo_corr.cbf.bz2 c195b816a3ee5b5633d5a493fa11cbd9 /data/id29/inhouse/opid291/x_geo_corr.cbf.bz2 dbce9da72359f8f19e848ce52c176a0e /data/id29/inhouse/opid291/y_geo_corr.cbf.bz2 a51c8be381e3032e94f4f032298fefc5 /data/id29/inhouse/opid29/x_geo_corr.cbf.bz2 68991a4ecdc0a3b7fc5a0cfa717de2f5 /data/id29/inhouse/opid29/y_geo_corr.cbf.bz2 9f6ca208503ef12a66a9a8591c10d348 /data/id30a1/inhouse/opid30a1/x_geo_corr.cbf.bz2 49d915c86a951f5a29398ee0be352935 /data/id30a1/inhouse/opid30a1/y_geo_corr.cbf.bz2 c195b816a3ee5b5633d5a493fa11cbd9 /data/id30b/inhouse/opid30b/x_geo_corr.cbf.bz2 dbce9da72359f8f19e848ce52c176a0e /data/id30b/inhouse/opid30b/y_geo_corr.cbf.bz2
The (uncompressed) correction files can be used within autoPROC via
process ... \ autoPROC_XdsKeyword_XGEO_CORR=/where/ever/x_geo_corr.cbf \ autoPROC_XdsKeyword_YGEO_CORR=/where/ever/y_geo_corr.cbf \ ...
We don't guarantee that these are up-to-date or adequate for your particular dataset. Unfortunately, not all beamlines make these detector-specific calibration files easily accessible.
See also: AnalyseDataForDamagedPixels.
The presence of damaged but not yet masked pixels can cause problems (for any processing program) during indexing, integration, scaling and outlier detection. Any such pixel should be added to the detector pixel mask as fast as possible - ideally through some jiffy/tool directly at the beamline. For relevant procedures please see (thanks to A. Foerster, Dectris):
Of course, such a fix will only affect newly collected data after the updated pixel mask has been uploaded to the detector (or whatever system for writing image data is being used). Existing datasets will not benefit from this and one needs to tell the processing software explicitly about those pixels. Here we are trying to collect information about different detectors at synchrotron beamlines - but please note that this is definitely not the ideal/preferred method (we rather have the pixel mask checked and updated on a very regular basis so that any given dataset would only ever be hit by a few, new hot/damaged pixels).
NOTE: this table below is permanently under construction and doesn't even pretend to be complete or always 100% up-to-date!
Synchrotron | Beamline | Date (YYYYMMDD) | Argument to process to tell about damaged pixels | Remark |
ALS | 5.0.1 | 20180922 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="377,573 1167,1180 311,617 2416,1156" | PILATUS3 6M, S/N 60-0135 |
20180620 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="377,573 311,617" | |||
APS | 17-ID / IMCA-CAT | 20181124 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="369,2065 349,2094 1891,1849 1397,2272 275,55 370,2047 2338,468 2389,155 342,1967 227,47 1426,2295 300,51 1957,1993 345,1967 817,1279" | PILATUS 6M, 60-0103, IMCA-CAT |
23-ID-B GM/CA | 20180206 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="2668,1 4150,3315 2127,1 827,3820 671,469 1041,4129 1041,4128 1543,3174" | Eiger 16M, S/N E-32-0104 | |
23-ID-D GM/CA | 20160807 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="1915,1243" | Pilatus3 6M, S/N 60-0122 | |
CLSI | 08ID-1 | 20180512 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="2220,1136 2221,1136" | PILATUS3 6M, S/N 60-0136 |
Diamond Light Source | I03 | 20210423-20210622 | autoPROC_XdsKeyword_UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE="2079 4149 2749 3263" | Eiger2 XE 16M (E-32-0117), two modules misbehaving |
20191202 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="3347,3922 1023,209 3190,1021" | |||
I04 | 20191202 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="2298,1973 2309,1992 2609,3333 2307,1994" | ||
20191125 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="2307,2017 817,2663" | |||
I04-1 | 20170227 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="49,1858 602,2306 2,94" | PILATUS 6M-F, S/N 60-0105-F | |
20151011 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="368,133" | PILATUS 6M-F, S/N 60-0105-F | ||
I23 | 20191127 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="1990,3762" | Pilatus 12M | |
20170505 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="1,4665 1,4859 6,4770 35,4963 130,4600 158,4761 158,4762 238,4880 279,4847 312,5014 327,5030 349,4909 379,4550 379,4551 383,4881 390,4978 416,4247 426,4035 427,4035 447,4892 475,4786 483,4906 487,4665 487,4859 487,5071 495,5071 555,4883 556,4883 572,5064 618,4892 780,5036 798,4934 799,4934 859,4962 860,4957 860,4962 861,4957 876,4888 924,4913 989,4665 989,4877 989,5071 992,4760 994,4755 1005,5067 1043,4693 1056,4749 1067,4765 1126,4833 1138,4989 1176,4701 1243,4992 1244,4786 1264,4803 1291,4983 1309,5030 1373,4948 1380,4680 1384,4769 1407,4880 1408,4753 1460,4692 1468,4899 1475,4665 1475,5071 1483,5071 1509,3932 1512,4397 1541,4998 1627,4090 1711,4747 1735,5016 1819,4984 1822,4712 1839,4855 1877,5063 1969,4665 1969,5071 1982,4714 1997,4731 2090,4709 2147,4685 2164,4769 2179,4695 2189,3966 2235,4716 2383,3858 2403,4966 2404,4966 2424,4914 2435,4692 2463,4665" | |||
20160919 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="1806,4193 1990,3762 1,1159 1,1158 21,4361 114,4606 130,4600 327,5030 379,4551 416,4247 426,4035 427,4035 447,4892 475,4786 483,4906 487,4665 487,4859 487,5071 495,5071 555,4883 556,4883 572,5064 618,4892 684,4156 780,5036 798,4934 799,4934 859,4962 860,4957 860,4962 861,4957 876,4888 924,4913 989,4665 989,4877 989,5071 992,4760 994,4755 1005,5067 1043,4693 1056,4749 1067,4765 1126,4833 1138,4989 1176,4701 1243,4992 1244,4786 1264,4803 1291,4983 1309,5030 1373,4948 1380,4680 1384,4769 1407,4880 1408,4753 1460,4692 1475,4665 1475,5071 1483,5071 1509,3932 1512,4397 1541,4998 1627,4090 1711,4747 1735,5016 1819,4984 1839,4855 1969,4665 1969,5071 1997,4731 2383,3858 2435,4692" | |||
ESRF | MASSIF-3 (ID30A-3) | 20151112 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="2070,215 2070,125 1381,1748 1,88 1,238 1,230 1,215 1,1614 1,157 1,1196 1,109 1,176 1,101 2070,68 1,1367 1,428 1,1315 1,1159 2070,271 1,1529 1,53 2070,244 1,330 1,134 1,1348 1,413 1,386 1,200 1,146 2070,220 1,291 2070,57 2070,75 1,1300 1,86 1,140 1,1261 1,471 1,340 1,165 1,64" | Eiger 4M S/N E-08-0104 |
Petra | P13 | 20190524 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="1483,1909 1483,637 1475,637 1483,1679 989,1679 1483,849 981,831 989,831 981,849 989,849 1475,1485 1483,1467 1483,1043 989,1485 1475,1043 1483,1061 981,1467 989,1467 981,1043 989,1043 981,1061 981,1111 1475,1255 1877,346 1424,539 2295,1636 1475,1061 1426,1662 2077,2304" autoPROC_Img2Xds_GapsAdd=1 | PILATUS 6M-F, S/N 60-0117-F (this includes a lot of pixels at the edges/corners of modules) |
20181022 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="2077,2304 1969,1061 1977,1485 1977,1061 487,1061 1969,1255 495,1061 1977,1467 1977,1255 1483,1909 1475,637 1977,1043 487,1467 1483,1891 989,637 495,1467" | |||
SLS | PX-II/X10SA | 20190918 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="3058,658 248,4261 3578,3051" | Eiger2 16M |
20181116 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="1253,1232 1253,1231 1253,1218 1253,1217 1253,1216 1252,1230 1251,1244 1251,1230 1250,1232 1250,1230 1249,1253 1249,1232 1249,1230 1249,1222 1251,1248 266,371 72,72 390,517 359,2352 2402,1421 203,283 432,2359 2403,1421 573,129 249,90 282,78 172,525 156,30 264,312 2407,1417" | PILATUS 6MF, S/N 60-0102-F, PSI | ||
SSRL | BL12-2 | 20191128 | pixel mask updated between June/July 2019 (thanks to A. Lyubimov for info) | PILATUS 6M, S/N 60-0101 |
20190509 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="730,249 2229,1275 1745,165 702,249 775,262 2405,1731 430,2505 874,2248 294,270 388,2277 808,186 699,1972 1194,260 2265,994 782,2285 1708,1019 1198,730 2226,1324 752,162 882,369 1855,312 2083,2197 388,2504 2255,1543 1781,70 1855,313 2221,1322 1779,2047 2091,2208 2279,1765 687,2012 2220,1322 2205,1520 2193,1329 2166,111 2212,318 1306,1979 1130,940 1102,2196 2182,1001 194,481 561,797 646,984 1711,52 25,660 1752,1140" | |||
BL14-1 | 20191128 | pixel mask updated between June/July 2019 (thanks to A. Lyubimov for info) | Dectris Eiger 16M, S/N E-32-0110 | |
20190509 | autoPROC_Img2Xds_DamagedPixels="1030,1694 2990,379" |