

Crystal Structure of ADP ribose phosphatase of NSP3 from SARS CoV-2

Kim, Y., Jedrzejczak, R., Maltseva, N., Endres, M., Mececar, A.,
Michalska, K., Joachimiak, A., Center for Structural Genomics of
Infectious Diseases (CSGID)

To be published.


Data was collected on 21st February 2020 on beamline 19-ID (SBC-CAT, APS) on a Pilatus3 6M and refined to 2.00 A using Phenix.


We have two sweeps of data with 800 images each, all collected with 0.5 deg/image and 0.5 sec/image. The same caveats/questions as for 6W9C can be applied here: this is high-dose, low-multiplicity, wide-sliced data when ideally we would like to see low-dose, high-multiplicity, fine-sliced data collected on a low-noise pixel-array detector using shutterless data collection.

But this data is even more extreme: we have a typical background count of nearly 300 counts (!) on those images:


We could have easily used 1% of the dose going into those 0.5 degree of data ... and together with fine-slicing (to avoid potential spatial overlaps of spots) it would have most likely been a much better approach to avoid radiation damage and achieve higher multiplicity, better scaling and outlier rejection.


Running autoPROC via

    process -I Images ReverseRotationAxis=yes

gives us some obvious indications regarding the problems of the used collection strategy (looking at the resulting summary.html file):

Sweep 1 Sweep 2
6VXS_02_m1a2peg-2_SPOT.XDS.SpotsPerImage.png 6VXS_02_m1a2peg-2_aimless.mrfana.Rmerge_Rmeas_Rpim_batch.png 6VXS_02_m1a2peg-3_SPOT.XDS.SpotsPerImage.png 6VXS_02_m1a2peg-3_aimless.mrfana.Rmerge_Rmeas_Rpim_batch.png

The number of spots found as a function of image number is rapidly decreasing (and since these are 400 degrees of data in each sweep, we would normally expect to have the sanme number of spots again after having rotated a full 360 degree circle). There are also clearly two very poor sections in each sweep: after about 300 images (150 degrees) in sweep 1 and after about 350 images (175 degrees) in sweep 2:

Especially sweep 1 also shows an underlying trend of increasing R-values with image number (i.e. dose).

We should probably use only parts of those two sweeps for processing:

Sweep 1 Images 1 - 300 Omega = –280 - –130 (150 degree)
Sweep 2 Images 1 - 350 Omega = –70 - +105 (175 degree)

Those ranges should contain the least damaged parts of the two sweeps and still provide a fairly complete P1 dataset). So running

    process \
      -Id 2a,Images,m1a2peg-2_#####.cbf,1,300 \
      -Id 3a,Images,m1a2peg-3_#####.cbf,1,350 \

to give us

  Spacegroup name          P1
  Unit cell parameters     30.1468 37.7807 64.8130 95.8014 97.9852 90.1138
  Wavelength               0.97918 A
  Diffraction limits & principal axes of ellipsoid fitted to diffraction cut-off surface:
    1.517         0.9416  -0.2737   0.1963       0.922 _a_* - 0.338 _b_* + 0.190 _c_*
    1.561         0.1406   0.8490   0.5094       0.103 _a_* + 0.776 _b_* + 0.622 _c_*
    1.361        -0.3061  -0.4520   0.8379      -0.148 _a_* - 0.274 _b_* + 0.950 _c_*

  Number of RUNs (sweeps) contributing to this dataset =   2

  Criteria used in determination of diffraction limits:
     local(I/sigI)  >=    1.20

                                              Overall  InnerShell  OuterShell
     Low resolution limit                      37.582      37.582       1.485
     High resolution limit                      1.361       3.749       1.361

     Rmerge  (all I+ & I-)                      0.115       0.053       1.297
     Rmeas   (all I+ & I-)                      0.142       0.067       1.553
     Rpim    (all I+ & I-)                      0.082       0.040       0.845
     Total number of observations              111570        6592        5173
     Total number unique                        37349        2535        1643
     Mean(I)/sd(I)                               12.5        31.8         1.4
     Completeness (spherical)                    61.8        88.6        11.9
     Completeness (ellipsoidal)                  75.2        88.6        14.2
     Multiplicity                                 3.0         2.6         3.1
     CC(1/2)                                    0.990       0.987       0.138
6VXS_07_staraniso_alldata.ismean-0kl.png 6VXS_07_staraniso_alldata.ismean-h0l.png 6VXS_07_staraniso_alldata.ismean-hk0.png


In order to analyse for radiation damage (using the F(early)–F(late) map analysis done automatically in [BUSTER, we need to select the relevant "early" and "late" part from the two seeps manually - all assuming that these are collections on different (fresh) parts of the same crystal.

    aP_scale \
      -mtz combine.mtz \
      -P 6VXS 2a early -b 1001-1150 \
      -P 6VXS 2a late  -b 1151-1300 \
      -P 6VXS 3a early -b 2001-2175 \
      -P 6VXS 3a late  -b 2176-2350 \
      -id EarlyLate | tee EarlyLate_aP_scale.log


Crystal Structure of ADP ribose phosphatase of NSP3 from SARS CoV-2 in
the complex with ADP ribose

Michalska, K., Kim, Y., Jedrzejczak, R., Maltseva, N., Endres, M.,
Mececar, A., Joachimiak, A., Center for Structural Genomics of
Infectious Diseases (CSGID)

To be published.


Data was collected on 23rd February 2020 on beamline 19-ID (SBC-CAT, APS) on a Pilatus3 6M and refined to 1.50 A using Phenix.


We have 700 images of 0.5 deg/image (i.e. 350 degrees of data) collected with 0.25 sec/image (resulting in rather high average background values of around 60 counts - a recurring theme of over-exposure and wide-slicing it seems). The diffraction quality is rather poor in terms of spot shape:


which is visible throughout the image range:

1 101 201 301 401 501 601
ADRP_M4_H6_data_00001_half.png ADRP_M4_H6_data_00101_half.png ADRP_M4_H6_data_00201_half.png ADRP_M4_H6_data_00301_half.png ADRP_M4_H6_data_00401_half.png ADRP_M4_H6_data_00501_half.png ADRP_M4_H6_data_00601_half.png


Given the poor diffraction quality, we are going to set two additional parameters in autoPROC:

    process \
      -I Images ReverseRotationAxis=yes \
      -M LowResOrTricky \

which then gives us

  Spacegroup name          P1
  Unit cell parameters     33.261 37.809 68.243 82.153 82.585 89.973
  Wavelength               0.97918 A
  Diffraction limits & principal axes of ellipsoid fitted to diffraction cut-off surface:
    1.521         0.7489   0.4003  -0.5281       0.648 _a_* + 0.394 _b_* - 0.652 _c_*
    1.538        -0.4571   0.8890   0.0257      -0.407 _a_* + 0.899 _b_* + 0.160 _c_*
    1.364         0.4797   0.2222   0.8488       0.243 _a_* + 0.128 _b_* + 0.962 _c_*

  Criteria used in determination of diffraction limits:
     local(I/sigI)  >=    1.20

                                              Overall  InnerShell  OuterShell
     Low resolution limit                      67.028      67.028       1.470
     High resolution limit                      1.364       4.149       1.364

     Rmerge  (all I+ & I-)                      0.041       0.037       0.201
     Rmeas   (all I+ & I-)                      0.048       0.043       0.237
     Rpim    (all I+ & I-)                      0.025       0.022       0.123
     Total number of observations              161569        8014        7824
     Total number unique                        44888        2243        2244
     Mean(I)/sd(I)                               13.0        18.8         4.0
     Completeness (spherical)                    64.5        91.0        16.0
     Completeness (ellipsoidal)                  77.2        91.0        21.0
     Multiplicity                                 3.6         3.6         3.5
     CC(1/2)                                    0.998       0.996       0.968

6W02_06_staraniso_alldata.ismean-0kl.png 6W02_06_staraniso_alldata.ismean-h0l.png 6W02_06_staraniso_alldata.ismean-hk0.png

We get a few warnings about multiple lattices (no surprise), unindexed spots (also no surprise) and overloaded reflections (not surprising given the data collection parameters chosen).


Crystal Structure of ADP ribose phosphatase of NSP3 from SARS-CoV-2 in
the apo form

Michalska, K., Stols, L., Jedrzejczak, R., Endres, M., Babnigg, G.,
Kim, Y., Joachimiak, A., Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious
Diseases (CSGID)

To be published.


Data was collected on 31st March 2020 on beamline 19-ID (SBC-CAT, APS) on a Pilatus3 6M and refined to 1.35 A using REFMAC.


There are two sweeps of data

  ADRP_Pmin_F11_d1_data_#####.cbf   : 1 - 720
  ADRP_Pmin_F11_d1_data2_#####.cbf  : 1 - 200

Both are collected as high-dose (0.25 sec/image) and wide-sliced (0.5 deg/image), but with the second at a much closer distance (157 mm) than the first (300 mm) - because the crystal diffracts rather well.


Running autoPROC gives us

  Spacegroup name          C2
  Unit cell parameters     139.5938 29.6609 37.8595 90.0000 103.5076 90.0000
  Wavelength               0.97918 A
  Diffraction limits & principal axes of ellipsoid fitted to diffraction cut-off surface:
    1.137         0.9288   0.0000  -0.3706       0.986 _a_* - 0.166 _c_*
    1.169         0.0000   1.0000   0.0000       _b_*
    1.081         0.3706   0.0000   0.9288       0.858 _a_* + 0.513 _c_*

  Number of RUNs (sweeps) contributing to this dataset =   2

  Criteria used in determination of diffraction limits:
     local(I/sigI)  >=    1.20

                                              Overall  InnerShell  OuterShell
     Low resolution limit                      36.083      36.083       1.169
     High resolution limit                      1.081       3.149       1.081

     Rmerge  (all I+ & I-)                      0.118       0.056       0.581
     Rmeas   (all I+ & I-)                      0.129       0.060       0.743
     Rpim    (all I+ & I-)                      0.049       0.021       0.459
     Total number of observations              264271       21814        4685
     Total number unique                        47849        2712        2279
     Mean(I)/sd(I)                               12.0        34.2         1.5
     Completeness (spherical)                    73.8        98.4        16.9
     Completeness (ellipsoidal)                  82.9        98.4        32.4
     Multiplicity                                 5.5         8.0         2.1
     CC(1/2)                                    0.995       0.998       0.437


6WEN_02_staraniso_alldata.ismean-0kl.png 6WEN_02_staraniso_alldata.ismean-h0l.png 6WEN_02_staraniso_alldata.ismean-hk0.png



Crystal Structure of ADP ribose phosphatase of NSP3 from SARS-CoV-2
in complex with MES

Michalska, K., Kim, Y., Jedrzejczak, R., Maltseva, N., Endres, M.,
Mececar, A., Joachimiak, A., Center for Structural Genomics of
Infectious Diseases (CSGID)

To be published.


Data was collected on 25th March 2020 on beamline 19-ID (SBC-CAT, APS) on a Pilatus3 6M and refined to 1.07 A using Phenix.


We have 1440 images collected at 0.25 deg/image (so no longer really wide-slicing, but not quite fine-slicing either) with an exposure time of 0.15 sec/image. That gives 360 degrees of data - but still with an exceptionally high average background count:


(my emphasis to draw attention to very high counts in diffraction peak and background). A factor of 50-100 less flux might have been advisable.


autoPROC gives us

  Spacegroup name          P21
  Unit cell parameters     37.177 33.174 60.612 90.000 96.181 90.000
  Wavelength               0.97918 A
  Diffraction limits & principal axes of ellipsoid fitted to diffraction cut-off surface:
    1.176         0.7730   0.0000  -0.6345       0.553 _a_* - 0.833 _c_*
    0.971         0.0000   1.0000   0.0000       _b_*
    0.960         0.6345   0.0000   0.7730       0.486 _a_* + 0.874 _c_*

  Criteria used in determination of diffraction limits:
     local(I/sigI)  >=    1.20

                                              Overall  InnerShell  OuterShell
     Low resolution limit                      30.130      30.130       1.031
     High resolution limit                      0.960       2.898       0.960

     Rmerge  (all I+ & I-)                      0.054       0.040       1.008
     Rmeas   (all I+ & I-)                      0.059       0.044       1.175
     Rpim    (all I+ & I-)                      0.022       0.017       0.588
     Total number of observations              436570       22167       12554
     Total number unique                        66917        3344        3347
     Mean(I)/sd(I)                               15.2        37.6         1.4
     Completeness (spherical)                    74.6        98.3        19.5
     Completeness (ellipsoidal)                  90.9        98.3        48.1
     Multiplicity                                 6.5         6.6         3.8
     CC(1/2)                                    0.998       0.997       0.400


6WCF_01_staraniso_alldata.ismean-0kl.png 6WCF_01_staraniso_alldata.ismean-h0l.png 6WCF_01_staraniso_alldata.ismean-hk0.png
