Known Issues in 20170505 autoPROC release:


Please also check the autoPROC home page and the news page for updates and snapshot releases.

Bruker Photon-II data

Data from the Bruker Photon-II detector is supported within autoPROC with the exception of the GPX2 viewer. Therefore, no prediction images are currently generated and warning messages appear for the moment on standard output. To avoid this run autoPROC with

% process ... autoPROC_CreateGpxPictures=no ..

Running checkdeps - fixed with 20170508 snapshot release

A minor issue crept into this snapshot that makes the checkdeps fail like:

% process -checkdeps
WARNING : "xcalibra" not found!!
WARNING : "xparm_transform" not found!!
ERROR    several external programs have not been found (xcalibra
         xparm_transform)! Please check your setup and ensure these are on your
         PATH. Or set their full path via the BDG_TOOL_XYZ environmental

This can be fixed by appending the following lines to the $autoPROC_home/

export BDG_TOOL_XCALIBRA=/bin/true

and/or if you use (t)csh add to $autoPROC_home/setup.csh

setenv BDG_TOOL_XCALIBRA /bin/true
setenv BDG_TOOL_XPARM_TRANSFORM /bin/true 

or the, setup_local.csh if you have those.

This has been fixed in the 20170508 snapshot release.