Explanation of shell scripts used in some of these examples
#!/bin/sh -f
# example script showing how autobuster can be run
# setup autoBUSTER
. $BDG_home/setup.sh
# write results to a directory:
(time refine                                    \
   -p 1osg_stripHOH_Brefine.pdb                 \
   -m 1osg.mtz                                  \
   -B "individual"  -noWAT  -r 0.006            \
   -d $RESULTDIR                                \
  ) > $0".log"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
  exit 1;
# copy out the pdb and mtz files to this directory.
cp $RESULTDIR"/refine.pdb" $0"_refine.pdb"
cp $RESULTDIR"/refine.mtz" $0"_refine.mtz"
chmod a+x 1osgBasicNCS_001_control_noncs
./1osgBasicNCS_001_control_noncs &
mkdir /var/tmp/my_abruns
ln -s /var/tmp/my_abruns abruns

Page by Oliver Smart original version 21 May 2008. Address problems, corrections and clarifications to buster-develop@globalphasing.com