Direct use of weighted Quantum Chemical Energy for ligands in BUSTER refinement

QM advanced tutorial example:

raloxifene bound to 2qxs



Starting files

2qxs_cleanup_refine.pdb cleaned up refined pdb file
2qxs.mtz structure factors in mtz format
RALplus.grade.cif grade cif dictionary for charged raloxifene
babel RALplus_init.pdb RALplus_init.mol2
grade -in RALplus_init.mol2 -charge 1 -ocif RALplus.cif -opdb RALplus.pdb

(A) control refinement with grade dictionary

refine -p 2qxs_cleanup_refine.pdb \
  -m 2qxs.mtz  -autoncs -M TLSbasic -nbig 2  \
  -l RALplus.grade.cif -d partA_d> partA.log

(B) refinement using RM1 for charged raloxifene

refine -p  partA_d/refine.pdb \
  -m 2qxs.mtz  -autoncs -nbig 2  \
  -TLS TLSfixcycALL=1 \
  -l RALplus.grade.cif -qm RAL+1 \
  -d partB_d> partB.log
Have command line argument:  '-qm RAL+1'
 so will setup QM calculation
 three-letter code decoded to be ='RAL' charge set to=   1
graph_autobuster_R -d partB_d -launch
graph_autobuster_QM -d partB_d -launch 

(C) refinement using GAMESS HF/3-21Gd with PCM water for charged raloxifene

refine -p 
refine -p  partA_d/refine.pdb \
  -m 2qxs.mtz  -autoncs -nbig 2  \
  -TLS TLSfixcycALL=1 \
  -l RALplus.grade.cif -qm RAL+1 \
  -qm_helper '/your/full/path/to/' \
  -qm_method 'HF/3-21G(d)_pcm' \
  -d partC_d> partC.log

(D) comparison of refinement results

which part A part B part C
RAL modelled by grade dictionary RM1 semiempirical HF/3-21G(d) with PCM water
Rwork 0.1737 0.1738 0.1738
Rfree 0.2044 0.2042 0.2041
ligand 2Fo-Fc correlation coefficient A,B 0.9702,0.9681 0.9702,0.9675 0.9697,0.9669
mogul rms Z for bond lengths A, B 0.38,0.46 1.27,1.24 1.02,1.02
mogul rms Z for bond angles A, B 0.49,0.50 1.29,1.20
which part A part B part C
RAL modelled by grade dictionary RM1 semiempirical HF/3-21G(d) with PCM water
small cycles 135 59 56
wall clock cpu 535secs 341secs 7728secs

(E) QM relaxation runs

egrep "CRYST1|HETATM.*RAL A" partB_d/refine.pdb > partB_RAL_A.pdb
 time gelly_refine                       \
  -p partB_RAL_A.pdb                  \
  -d   partE1_d                            \
  -o   partE1_out.pdb"                 \
  -l RALplus.grade.cif                  \
  -qm RAL+1                              \
  -max 300 -glim 0.01  > partE1.log &
 graph_autobuster_QM -d partE1_d
... edited out ...
# final raw QM energies   =   234.38 kJ/mol
# -qmzero not specified so report QM energies relative to first value read= 249.64
#     big   small   iters      QMener_01
#       0       0       0           0.00
#       0     300     300         -15.26
 graph_autobuster_QM -d partB_d -qmzero 234.38
... edited out ...
#     big   small   iters      QMener_01      QMener_02
... edited out ...
#       2      10      59          15.26          15.56

Page by Oliver Smart from 13 May 2011. Any questions regarding our software or this wiki should be directed to