autoBUSTER Example Application: RNA refinement and restraints to favor canonical puckers


Starting Files

3g4m.pdb structure as downloaded from rcsb
3g4m.mtz reflections downloaded from rcsb, converted to mtz, Friedel pairs averaged...
2BP.grade_PDB_ligand.cif grade restraint file for the ligand
NCO_correct.cif CCP4 based restraint dictionary for hexamminecobalt
nuclgeo_new_wiki_2011.dat better nucleic acid restraints dictionary

Control Refinement

refine                                   \
 -p 3g4m.pdb                             \
 -m 3g4m.mtz                             \
 -d 01_control                           \
 -l NCO_correct.cif                      \
 -l 2BP.grade_PDB_ligand.cif             \
 -M TLSbasic -nbig 10                    \
 AnalyseVoidsLast="no"  > 01_control.log &
3g4m.pdb 01_control
pdb entry control refine with "current" nuclgeo.dat
BUSTER Rwork 0.1948 0.1770
BUSTER Rfree 0.2408 0.2490
100*(Rfree-Rwork) 4.6% 7.2%
BUSTER rms bond 0.0071 0.0100
BUSTER rms angle 0.86 2.03
molprobity Clashscore 15.19 3.57
molprobity Probably wrong sugar puckers 2 3
molprobity Bad backbone conformations 8 10
molprobity Residues with bad bonds 0% 1.5%
molprobity Residues with bad angles 0% 65.7%
coot "pukka pucker" number in list 7 15

Improved Nucleic Acid Restraints

 refine -p 3g4m.pdb \
 -m 3g4m.mtz \
 -d 02_better \
 -l NCO_correct.cif -l 2BP.grade_PDB_ligand.cif \
 -M TLSbasic -nbig 10 AnalyseVoidsLast="no" \
 TntDictionary_nuclgeo=`pwd`"/nuclgeo_new_wiki_2011.dat" \
  > 02_better.log
3g4m.pdb 01_control 02_better
pdb entry control refine with "current" nuclgeo.dat use improved dictionary
BUSTER Rwork 0.1948 0.1770 0.1856
BUSTER Rfree 0.2408 0.2490 0.2442
100*(Rfree-Rwork) 4.6% 7.2% 5.9%
BUSTER rms bond 0.0071 0.0100 0.0099
BUSTER rms angle 0.86 2.03 0.80
molprobity Clashscore 15.19 3.57 4.91
molprobity Probably wrong sugar puckers 2 3 2
molprobity Bad backbone conformations 8 10 9
molprobity Residues with bad bonds 0% 1.5% 1.5%
molprobity Residues with bad angles 0% 65.7% 3.0%
coot "pukka pucker" number in list 7 15 8
refine -p 02_better_v3-coot-0.pdb -m 3g4m.mtz \
 -d 03_after_U49_tweak -l NCO_correct.cif -l 2BP.grade_PDB_ligand.cif \
 -M TLSbasic AnalyseVoidsLast=no \
 TntDictionary_nuclgeo=`pwd`/nuclgeo_new_wiki_2011.dat > 03_after_U49_tweak.log
3g4m.pdb 02_better 03_after_U49_tweak
pdb entry use improved dictionary from 02, manually tweak U49
BUSTER Rwork 0.1948 0.1856 0.1841
BUSTER Rfree 0.2408 0.2442 0.2458
100*(Rfree-Rwork) 4.6% 5.9% 6.2%
BUSTER rms bond 0.0071 0.0099 0.0100
BUSTER rms angle 0.86 0.80 0.81
molprobity Clashscore 15.19 4.91 5.36
molprobity Probably wrong sugar puckers 2 2 2
molprobity Bad backbone conformations 8 9 7
molprobity Residues with bad bonds 0% 1.5% 0%
molprobity Residues with bad angles 0% 3.0% 0%
coot "pukka pucker" number in list 7 8 8

Using utility torsion restraints to favor canonical RNA puckers

chmod a+x
./ < 03_after_U49_tweak/refine.pdb > pucker_restraints.Gelly 
grep "restraints to C2'-endo" pucker_restraints.Gelly 
# resnam="U" chsnam="A" resnum="22" -ve torsion, restraints to C2'-endo
# resnam="U" chsnam="A" resnum="34" -ve torsion, restraints to C2'-endo
# resnam="A" chsnam="A" resnum="35" -ve torsion, restraints to C2'-endo
# resnam="U" chsnam="A" resnum="36" -ve torsion, restraints to C2'-endo
# resnam="U" chsnam="A" resnum="47" -ve torsion, restraints to C2'-endo
# resnam="U" chsnam="A" resnum="48" -ve torsion, restraints to C2'-endo
# resnam="U" chsnam="A" resnum="49" -ve torsion, restraints to C2'-endo
# resnam="G" chsnam="A" resnum="62" -ve torsion, restraints to C2'-endo
# resnam="U" chsnam="A" resnum="63" -ve torsion, restraints to C2'-endo
# resnam="A" chsnam="A" resnum="65" -ve torsion, restraints to C2'-endo
refine -p 03_after_U49_tweak/refine.pdb \
  -m 3g4m.mtz -d 04_pucker_restraints \
  -l NCO_correct.cif -l 2BP.grade_PDB_ligand.cif \
  -M TLSbasic AnalyseVoidsLast=no \
   TntDictionary_nuclgeo=`pwd`/nuclgeo_new_wiki_2011.dat \
  -Gelly pucker_restraints.Gelly > 04_pucker_restraints.log &
3g4m.pdb 02_better 03_after_U49_tweak 04_pucker_restraints
pdb entry use improved dictionary from 02, manually tweak U49 apply utility torsion restraints to canonical puckers
BUSTER Rwork 0.1948 0.1856 0.1841 0.1845
BUSTER Rfree 0.2408 0.2442 0.2458 0.2464
100*(Rfree-Rwork) 4.6% 5.9% 6.2% 6.2%
BUSTER rms bond 0.0071 0.0099 0.0100 0.0100
BUSTER rms angle 0.86 0.80 0.81 0.80
molprobity Clashscore 15.19 4.91 5.36 4.47
molprobity Probably wrong sugar puckers 2 2 2 0
molprobity Bad backbone conformations 8 9 7 7
molprobity Residues with bad bonds 0% 1.5% 0% 0%
molprobity Residues with bad angles 0% 3.0% 0% 0%
coot "pukka pucker" number in list 7 8 8 1

Page by Oliver Smart original version 19 October 2011, revised 21 October. Address problems, corrections and clarifications to