rhofit introductory tutorial on 2qtu

version: October 21 2010


  1. introduction
  2. starting files: autobuster refine -L run
  3. using grade to prepare a cif restraint dictionary for the ligand
  4. rhofit simple run
  5. getting rhofit to look for two binding sites with -xclusters 2
  6. getting rhofit to search through ligand chiral centres with -scanchirals
  7. starting an autobuster refinement with combined protein and rhofit best ligand positions

1. introduction

2. starting files: autoBUSTER refine -L run and ligand cif dictionaries

tar xzf rhofit_2qtu_tutorial.tgz
cd rhofit_2qtu_tutorial/
cat supplied_01_autobuster.source
# rhofit tutorial example 2qtu
# initial model is molecular replacement using 2i0g as search model
# refine this with -L to get ligand sites
( time refine                      \
 -p supplied_molrep_2i0g_2qtu.pdb  \
 -m supplied_2qtu.mtz              \
 -RB -L -autoncs                   \
 -d supplied_01_autobuster_d ) > & \

3. using grade to prepare a cif restraint dictionary for the ligand}

grade 'COCc1cc(O)cc2[C@@H]3CC(F)(F)C[C@@H]3[C@@H](Oc12)c4ccc(O)cc4' \
   -ocif 3AS_smi_grade.cif -opdb 3AS_smi_grade.pdb
grade_PDB_ligand 3AS
grade 'COCc1cc(O)cc2[C@H]3CC(F)(F)C[C@@H]3[C@H](Oc12)c4ccc(O)cc4' \
   -ocif 3AS_invert2_grade.cif -opdb 3AS_invert2_grade.pdb

4. rhofit simple run

rhofit -l 3AS_smi_grade.cif    \
       -p supplied_01_autobuster_d/refine.pdb \
       -m supplied_01_autobuster_d/refine.mtz \
       -d tutorial4
cd tutorial4
cat results.txt
rhofit version 1.2.0
Run in directory /home/osmart/2010/10/rhofit_2qtu_tutorial/rhofit_2qtu_tutorial with command-line

  -l 3AS_smi_grade.cif -p supplied_01_autobuster_d/refine.pdb -m supplied_01_autobuster_d/refine.mtz -d tutorial4

Volume of cluster used for fitting:   148.6

                              rhofit           ligand LigProt  Poorly
                               total   Correl  strain contact fitting   LigProt contact to residues
   File               Chain    score   coeff    score   score   atoms   (% means zero weighted in score)
   Hit_00_00_000.pdb   A    -1672.1   0.8651     9.4     3.5    0/26     A|302:ALA A|377:PHE A|475:HIS A|476:LEU A|487:VAL
   Hit_00_00_001.pdb   A    -1662.0   0.8623    12.8    11.0    0/26     A|302:ALA A|377:PHE A|476:LEU A|487:VAL

5. getting rhofit to look for two binding sites with -xclusters 2

(time rhofit -l 3AS_smi_grade.cif                  \
       -xclusters 2                           \
       -p supplied_01_autobuster_d/refine.pdb \
       -m supplied_01_autobuster_d/refine.mtz \
       -d tutorial5  

6. getting rhofit to search through ligand chiral centres with -scanchirals

rhofit -l 3AS_invert2_grade.cif                 \
         -scanchirals                              \
         -xclusters 2                              \
         -p supplied_01_autobuster_d/refine.pdb    \
         -m supplied_01_autobuster_d/refine.mtz    \
         -d tutorial6

7. starting an autobuster refinement with combined protein and rhofit best ligand positions

In this case there are two ligand binding sites in the protein. In part 5 a merged pdb file is created by rhofit that has the protein with two best ligand binding positions and water molecules that do not clash with the ligands.

( time refine                        \
 -p tutorial5/merged.pdb            \
 -m supplied_2qtu.mtz               \
 -autoncs -WAT                      \
 -l tutorial5/best.cif              \
 -d tutorial7 ) >                   \

Page by Oliver Smart and Andrew Sharff, October 2010. Address problems, corrections and clarifications to buster-develop@globalphasing.com