BUSTER 2.X: A suite of programs for macromolecular structure refinement by maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods
Copyright © 1992-2007 Global Phasing Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Authors: G. Bricogne, E. Blanc, M. Brandl, C. Flensburg, P. Keller, W. Paciorek, P. Roversi, O. Smart, C. Vonrhein, T. Womack

Please reference use of the software as:

Version: 2.13.0 for linux64-ifort made on Oct 28 2013 at 08:44:09
Licenced to: Global Phasing Ltd (hypatia)

Parsing of the BUSTER cardfile

TITLE : autoBUSTER refinement Cell information (explanation) Symmetry information (explanation) Using CCP4 X-ray form factors. Missing structure chemical composition (explanation) Using ATOM block for chemical composition. Shell information

Parsing of the TNT cardfile

Reading observations file

List of rejected reflexions (explanation) Number of reflexions in input: 19421 Number of accepted reflexions: 19390 Number of rejected reflexions: 31 Reflexions in test set: 1031 (explanation) Reflexions in working set: 18359 (explanation)

1. Generating initial model

2.10 * Shannon sampling rate. NX NY NZ: 120 120 480 Effective Shannon rates are: 2.40 2.40 2.42 Allocated BUFFER of size: 26.807 Mb. Initial Geometry Information (explanation) No missing atoms declared Summary of model volumes (explanation) No missing atoms declared: no prior computed Computing bulk solvent model scattering NCSMASK PDB radius for solvent mask: 2.15 Angstrom running PDBSET (setting cell and spacegroup P1) ... done running NCSMASK [1] (creating mask, SMOOTH 1.05327) ... done running MAPDUMP (to check if reduction to unit cell is needed) ... done running MAPMASK (converting mask to map) ... done Generation of babslv by theta-filter (explanation) Electron density in frg mask: 0.420 Å-1 (explanation) FOBS put on rough absolute scale by Wilson plot : K = 0.93078E+00 B = -13.889 Setting starting scale K to value from Wilson scaling: 0.93078 Setting starting scale B to value from Wilson scaling: -13.88898

Cycle 001: MaxLik scaling and refinement

MaxLik Scaling Cycle 001 (explanation) Wilson plot Statistics in resolution bins just after scaling (explanation) : 

   <Log-Likelihood> of null-hypothesis (explanation)

Structure Factor Amplitudes (explanation) Average Figure of Merit (explanation) Switching off refinement of overall temperature factor Added B = 3.1444 Å2 to all atoms in fragment Added B = 3.1444 Å2 to B_SOLV

gelly refinement module
 Developed by O. S. Smart, C. Flensburg,  W. Paciorek, C. Vonrhein, 
              M. Brandl, T. O. Womack and G. Bricogne
 Copyright © 2006, 2007 Global Phasing Ltd. 
 All rights reserved.
 gelly module compilation date Aug 16 2013 13:15:31
 gelly uses routines from TNT geometry. References: 
     Tronrud, D. E., Ten Eyck, L. F., Matthews, B. W. (1987)
     "An Efficient General-Purpose Least-Squares Refinement Program 
     for Macromolecular Structures". Acta Crystallogr A, 43:489-501.
     Tronrud, D. E. (1997). "The TNT Refinement Package", 
     in Macromolecular Crystallography, Part B, Eds Charlie Carter 
     and Robert Sweet, Methods in Enzymology, 277:306-319.
 wildcard matching function by Julian Robichaux http://www.nsftools.com

 Control flags set to:  -forcefield I0G \
                     -autoncs -screen \
                     100 -screen_sigma \
 Setting up tnt routines including license check:

                   TNT Stereochemistry Program
 Licence for Global Phasing Ltd (hypatia) is valid
 Using TNT geometry routines to load the tnt control file: gelly.tnt
 Using TNT routines to load initial coordinates from file fragment.cor
 Have copied information for    3568 atoms from TNT to gelly's store 
 The TNT WEIGHT cards used this run:
 -----WEIGHT       BOND     2.0
 -----WEIGHT       ANGLE    2.0
 -----WEIGHT       IMPROPER 0.0
 -----WEIGHT       TORSION  2.0
 -----WEIGHT       PSEUDO   0.0
 -----WEIGHT       TRIGONAL 2.0
 -----WEIGHT       PLANE    5.0
 -----WEIGHT       CONTACT  5.0
 -----WEIGHT       BCORREL  20.0
 -----WEIGHT       CHIRAL   5.0
 -----WEIGHT       NCS      50.0
 -----WEIGHT       IDEAL    4.0
 -----WEIGHT       RFACTOR  4
 Dictionary versions picked up from NOTE BUSTER_RESTRAINT_DICT cards as: 
 ------ nuclgeo.dat (V1.27) 20120611
 ------ bcorrel.dat (V1.15) 20080423
 ------ contact.dat (V1.23) 20121002
 ------ restraints for I0G (_3AS,4R,9BR_-4-_4-HYDROXYPHENYL_-1,2,3,3A,4,9B-HEXAHYDROCYCLOPENTA_C_CHROMEN-8-OL) from cif dictionary I0G.grade_PDB_ligand.cif using refmacdict2tnt revision 1.40; generated by GRADE 1.2.3 from mol2 file /tmp/filep4kTkr.mol2 using mogul+qm
 ------ assume.dat (V1.10) 20110113
 Have picked up spacegroup name for pdb output as 'P 61      '
 Setting up Chain/Residue arrays
 Have command line specification -autoncs*
     Have found       1 NCS relations
     Pairwise matching residue number and type between chains: 
                    A        B    
          A         .      100%  
          B                  .   
       Table key--                                                       
          all   : two chains have 100% match and same number of residues 
         multi  : ditto and they contribute to a multi chain ncs cluster 
          ***%  : two chains have >80% matching residue number/type      
           -    : chains appear to be unrelated                          
      chain A     have identified ncs to     1 other chains. So will weight each autoncs by (       2.000/#)=      2.0000
      chain B     have identified ncs to     1 other chains. So will weight each autoncs by (       2.000/#)=      2.0000
     For .Gelly cards produced see below - after pruning
 Have command line argument:  '-forcefield I0G'
    so will setup Force Field calculation for ligand.
    Please note that -forcefield shares code with QM.
    three-letter code decoded to be ='I0G' charge set to=   0
      Setting up QM calculation by producing .Gelly type cards for internal use:
NOTE BUSTER_QM_HELPER $BDG_home/scripts/qm-mm-helpers/forcefield.pl    # the helper program used must be on path or full path spec
NOTE BUSTER_QM_METHOD AUTO    # the method/basis set to be used (helper must understand)
NOTE BUSTER_QM_WEIGHT     16.000         # qm weight
NOTE BUSTER_QM_MAXDISP 100000.000         # maximum displacement from previous position to protect QM.
NOTE BUSTER_SET     QM01 = { A|1 }    # residue type I0G
NOTE BUSTER_QM_CHARGE_01    0            # charge of I0G
NOTE BUSTER_QM_MULTIP_01    1            # multiplicity (normally one)
NOTE BUSTER_QM_WRESTR_01  0.0            # weight for conventional restraints involving only QM01
                                         # atoms, normally set to 0.0 to turn off completely
NOTE BUSTER_SET     QM02 = { B|1 }    # residue type I0G
NOTE BUSTER_QM_CHARGE_02    0            # charge of I0G
NOTE BUSTER_QM_MULTIP_02    1            # multiplicity (normally one)
NOTE BUSTER_QM_WRESTR_02  0.0            # weight for conventional restraints involving only QM02
                                         # atoms, normally set to 0.0 to turn off completely
 Setting up BUSTER_SET groups
 Have found    37 BUSTER_SET cards
 Now silently applying automatic/dictionary set definitions. For a verbose listing use '-verbose_set' flag.
 Applying user defined set definitions:
 =====NOTE BUSTER_SET ncsautoXcld = Water --> set 'ncsautoXcld' now has    17 atoms 
 =====NOTE BUSTER_SET ncsautoABset = Chain_B \ ncsautoXcld --> set 'ncsautoABset' now has  1781 atoms 
 =====NOTE BUSTER_SET     QM01 = { A|1 } --> set 'QM01' now has    39 atoms 
 =====NOTE BUSTER_SET     QM02 = { B|1 } --> set 'QM02' now has    39 atoms 
 Have defined    16 sets: 
      set: 'All' has   3568 atoms in    462 residues - automatically defined
      set: 'Empty' has      0 atoms in      0 residues - automatically defined
      set: 'ExoticAA' has      0 atoms in      0 residues - defined by dictionary file
      set: 'NotHET' has   3473 atoms in    443 residues - automatically defined
      set: 'Chain_A' has   1778 atoms in    230 residues - automatically defined
      set: 'Chain_B' has   1790 atoms in    232 residues - automatically defined
      set: 'Water' has     17 atoms in     17 residues - defined by dictionary file
      set: 'StdProtein' has   3473 atoms in    443 residues - defined by dictionary file
      set: 'Protein' has   3473 atoms in    443 residues - defined by dictionary file
      set: 'Back' has   1772 atoms in    443 residues - defined by dictionary file
      set: 'Side' has   1701 atoms in    429 residues - defined by dictionary file
      set: 'Other' has     78 atoms in      2 residues - defined by dictionary file
      set: 'ncsautoXcld' has     17 atoms in     17 residues - user specified
      set: 'ncsautoABset' has   1781 atoms in    223 residues - user specified
      set: 'QM01' has     39 atoms in      1 residues - user specified
      set: 'QM02' has     39 atoms in      1 residues - user specified
 No command line arguments '-occ_allhet' or '-occ_restyp' so will not setup automated occcupancy refinement
 Interpreting CONSTANT and FREE cards: 
 =====CONSTANT     OCC
 Have found and interpreted      1 CONSTANT cards in the TNT input. 
 Before any COMBINE - Number of atoms with fixed xyz =     0
 Before any COMBINE - Number of atoms with fixed B   =     0
 Before any COMBINE - Number of atoms with fixed OCC =  3568
 Before any COMBINE - Number of atoms with fixed BIJ =  3568
                            cf total number of atoms =  3568
 There are no COMBINE cards to be found in the TNT card input 
 There are no NOTE BUSTER_COMBINE_RES cards to be found in the TNT card input 
 NOTE BUSTER_CHIRAL_ANGLECUT card found - read value=    -31.00 degs from it
 NOTE BUSTER_CHIRAL_SIGMA card found - read value=      1.70 degs from it
 RANGE allowed for B variables in refinement:   from      3.00000 to    300.00000
 No 'NOTE BUSTER_TARGET' cards or -target?? args found (used to read coordinates files for soft ncs to external)
 No 'NOTE BUSTER_OCCSUM' cards found - so not using sum of occupancy restraints
 No 'NOTE BUSTER_DISTANCE' cards found - so not setting up any additional atom-atom distance restraints
 No 'NOTE BUSTER_UTILANGLE' cards found - so not setting up any additional restraints on any angle
 No 'NOTE BUSTER_UTILTOR' cards found - so not setting up any additional sinusoidal restraints on torsions
 --- Have some similarity definitions 
     Similarity restraints on RMSD use superposition routines from: 
     Coutsias, E.A., Seok, C., Dill, K.A.(2004)
     "Using quaternions to calculate RMSD", J. Comput. Chem., 25:1849-1857 

 Have found    1 'NOTE BUSTER_SIM_DEFINE' cards 
     Maximum number of chains involved in any SIM group (excluding the template)=     1
 Interpreting card: NOTE BUSTER_SIM_DEFINE ncsautoAB ncsautoABset A
     Number of atoms in template set=  1781
     Number of related chains (other than template) in SIM set=    1
     List of chains to be restrained (excluding template)=   A   
     Pairwise RMSD, XYZ in Angstroms, for SIM group: ncsautoAB
                 B         A   
     B         -----     ----- 
     A         0.507     ----- 
     Overall RMSD,XYZ for the SIM group is     0.507 Angstroms
     Pairwise rms deviation of [individual B's minus their set/chain average] in Angs**2
                 B         A         Bavg
     B         -----     -----     56.72
     A          2.82     -----     56.41
     Overall RMSD,B   for the SIM group is     2.815 Angs**2
     The number of common atoms for the above fits:
                 B         A   
     B         -----     ----- 
     A          1770     ----- 
     (compared to the template set that has    1781 atoms in it)
     List of atoms that are absent in one or more chains for this group: 
                                    B    A   
                    N       260     +    -
                    CA      260     +    -
                    C       260     +    -
                    O       260     +    -
                    CB      260     +    -
                    CG      260     +    -
                    CD1     260     +    -
                    CD2     260     +    -
                    CG      261     +    -
                    OD1     261     +    -
                    OD2     261     +    -
     (key  +  atom present for this chain 
           -  atom absent  for this chain)
 transforms for each of the superpositions orthogonal matrix r11 r12 r13 r21 r22 r23 r31 r32 r33 tx ty tz (PDBSET syntax): 
TRANS_BA -0.500942  0.865481 -0.000147  0.865480  0.500942 -0.000792 -0.000611 -0.000524 -1.000000    94.893   -54.647   117.095
 reverse transforms 
TRANS_AB -0.500942  0.865480 -0.000611  0.865481  0.500942 -0.000524 -0.000147 -0.000792 -1.000000    94.903   -54.692   117.066
 Setting up LSSR interatomic distance restraints
 Interpreting card: NOTE BUSTER_SIM_RESTRAIN_LSSR ncsautoAB 2.000
        setting up interatomic distance pair restraints with:
        Dmin=         0.00
        Dmax=         5.50
        sigma=        0.20
        Vmax=        10.00
        weight=       2.00
        number of distance pairs defined for this set is      22948
 Have not supplied either '-sim_swap_equiv' or '-sim_swap_equiv_plus' argument 
   so will not try swaping equivalent atoms to improve NCS and/or target agreement.
 NCS by LSSR outlier analysis
 -autoncs option automatic NCS prune routine -------- 
 Residues pruned out by gradient condition:
          A|298     B|298  
 Residues pruned out by function/max condition:
          A|267    A|282    A|329    A|364    A|428    B|267    B|282
          B|329    B|364    B|428 
 Total number of residues pruned out is       12 out of      444 participating
 Number of LSSR restraints pruned out is      1476 this is    6.4% of the total
 -autoncs .Gelly cards suitable for adaptation for manual definition/pruning
           (note auto pruning is done in a slightly different way so exact results may differ slightly)
 -autoncs option .Gelly cards also written to file  auto_gelly_cards.txt
NOTE BUSTER_SET ncsautoXcld = Water    # card added - produced by -autoncs
NOTE BUSTER_SET ncsautoXcld = ncsautoXcld + { B|267 B|282 B|298 B|329 B|364 }    # card added - produced by -autoncs
NOTE BUSTER_SET ncsautoXcld = ncsautoXcld + { B|428 }    # card added - produced by -autoncs
NOTE BUSTER_SET ncsautoABset = Chain_B \ ncsautoXcld    # card added - produced by -autoncs
NOTE BUSTER_SIM_DEFINE ncsautoAB ncsautoABset A    # card added - produced by -autoncs
NOTE BUSTER_SIM_RESTRAIN_LSSR ncsautoAB 2.000    # card added - produced by -autoncs

 LSSR function contribution before pruning     56224.1
                             after pruning     43187.5
 Graph of which residues pruned from LSSR: ncs_pruned.mtv
 Graph of LSSR function outliers ncs_function_outliers.mtv
 Graph of LSSR gradient outliers ncs_gradient_outliers.mtv
 LSSR - analysis of distance difference distribution for NCS
         DeltaD less than 0.5 Angs:  proportion of population= 98.34% average DeltaD of subset     0.073 Angs
 Histogram of LSSR deltaD distribution ncs_histogram.mtv
 No 'NOTE BUSTER_TLS_SET' cards found - so no TLS constraints will be used
 Number of parameters to describe molecular conformation  =   14272
 Number of free parameters to be adjusted in refinement   =   14272
 No command line argument '-tnt_fn' so will use gelly to do geometry function calculations
 No standard contact distance given for a contact between H    and H    (setting to default: 1.50 +- 0.10 Angstroms)
 The names of the offending atoms are       B|1:HO20         B|1:H18   
      Getting symmetry operators from TNT. 
          gelly will classify symmetry using pdb-like convention: 
               SYMOP   SYMMETRY
              NNNMMM   OPERATOR
                1555   X,Y,Z
                2555   -Y,X-Y,1/3+Z
                3555   -X+Y,-X,2/3+Z
                4555   -X,-Y,1/2+Z
                5555   Y,-X+Y,5/6+Z
                6555   X-Y,X,1/6+Z
          where NNN -> operator number and MMM -> translation vector
 Ideal-distance contact term setup:
    Restraint function constants (normally values got from NOTE BUSTER_IDEAL_CONTACT_* cards)
    Sigma for general contacts      0.200 Angs
    Sigma for 1-4 contacts          0.200 Angs (contacts across a torsion)
    Sigma for HBOND pairs           0.100 Angs (contacts between HB_types A and D or B's)
    Contact distance increment for each atom in HBOND          -0.150 Angs 
    ContactD for H-bond acceptor to Hydrogen=vdwAccept+         0.100 Angs 
    Contact distance increment for 1-4 with an O atom          -0.100 Angs 
    Contact distance increment for 1-4 with an N atom          -0.100 Angs 
    Contact distance increment for 1-4 with an C atom          -0.150 Angs 
    Contact distance increment for 1-4 with any other atom     -0.150 Angs 
    All atoms matched for ccp4 atom type.
    Number of ccp4 atom types used is         31 (H-bound and not H-bound counted separately)
 Setting up short/ideal-distance contacts
   Using gelly special position handling. (For TNT instead rerun with argument '-special_tnt')
       TERM      weight      number      TNT_fn    Gelly_fn        diff
       BOND       2.000        3617    2503.925    2503.925       0.000
       ANGL       2.000        4921    6083.072    6083.072       0.000
       IMPR       0.000           0       0.000       0.000       0.000
       TORS       2.000        1283    2059.669    2059.669       0.000
       TRIG       2.000          71       1.317       1.317       0.000
       PLAN       5.000         541     846.510     846.510       0.000
       CONT       5.000           0     241.767       0.000     241.767
       BCOR      20.000        3533   15912.584   15912.584       0.000

   Switching torsion functionial form to sinusoidal rather than split harmonic functional.
      if you want this not to happen then rerun with '-torsharm'
      Weight for sinusoidal torsion=     2.000
 Checking for bonds that do not have a bcorrel restraint defined
 No -bcorrel_missing_sigma found. So will set sigma to    10.0 Ang**2 for any bond with no existing bcorrel
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C4(I0G) A|1:C2(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C4(I0G) A|1:C23(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C4(I0G) A|1:C6(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C4(I0G) A|1:H4(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C6(I0G) A|1:C12(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C6(I0G) A|1:C7(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C7(I0G) A|1:C8(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C7(I0G) A|1:H7(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C8(I0G) A|1:C10(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C8(I0G) A|1:O9(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C10(I0G) A|1:C11(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C10(I0G) A|1:H10(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C17(I0G) A|1:C16(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C17(I0G) A|1:C18(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C17(I0G) A|1:H17(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C21(I0G) A|1:C19(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C21(I0G) A|1:C22(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C21(I0G) A|1:H21(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C22(I0G) A|1:C16(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C22(I0G) A|1:H22(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C24(I0G) A|1:C1(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C24(I0G) A|1:C23(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C24(I0G) A|1:H241(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C24(I0G) A|1:H242(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C1(I0G) A|1:C2(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C1(I0G) A|1:H11A(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C1(I0G) A|1:H12(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C2(I0G) A|1:C14(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C2(I0G) A|1:H2(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:O9(I0G) A|1:HO9(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C11(I0G) A|1:C12(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C11(I0G) A|1:H11(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C12(I0G) A|1:O13(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:O13(I0G) A|1:C14(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C14(I0G) A|1:C16(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C14(I0G) A|1:H14(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C18(I0G) A|1:C19(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C18(I0G) A|1:H18(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:C19(I0G) A|1:O20(I0G)
    add a default BCOR for bond A|1:O20(I0G) A|1:HO20(I0G)
    only first 40 added listed here
 Have added a total of        84 bcorrels for bonds which do not already have a bcorrel
 A total of       0 planes have been deactivated because they are duplicated hydrogen-free and with-hydrogen forms.
      Torsion angles split into peptide omega and other
         Number of peptide omega angles is       435
         Number of other torsion is              848
      Peptide omega angles are monitored rather than directly restrained (PLANE used instead).
 Now apply the fix to get correct restraints for cis PRO residues
   Have got       4 bonds records and       8 angles
   from GEOMETRY cards for the special PROC residue
   Weight for ideal-distance contact term=     4.000
 Have 'NOTE BUSTER_QM_HELPER'. Will setup quantum chemical calculation
   qmcommand= $BDG_home/scripts/qm-mm-helpers/forcefield.pl
 Have 'NOTE BUSTER_QM_METHOD'. Method/basis to be used AUTO
 Have read value from 'NOTE BUSTER_QM_WEIGHT' card =     16.000
 Have read value from 'NOTE BUSTER_QM_MAXDISP' card = 100000.000
    Factor to get QM kJ/mol onto sigma scale=   0.8045
    QM_WEIGHT=  16.0000 (can overide by 'NOTE BUSTER_QM_WEIGHT' value card)
    Have found        2 QM.. type sets
    Number of atoms in QM set 01 is    39
                          including    18 hydrogens atoms
    (to get a pdb file containing just atoms from the QM set rerun with '-qm_wpdb' option)
    NOTE BUSTER_QM_CHARGE_01 sets charge=  0
    NOTE BUSTER_QM_MULTIP_01 sets multip=  1
    NOTE BUSTER_QM_WRESTR_01 sets wrestr=   0.000
    Number of atoms in QM set 02 is    39
                          including    18 hydrogens atoms
    (to get a pdb file containing just atoms from the QM set rerun with '-qm_wpdb' option)
    NOTE BUSTER_QM_CHARGE_02 sets charge=  0
    NOTE BUSTER_QM_MULTIP_02 sets multip=  1
    NOTE BUSTER_QM_WRESTR_02 sets wrestr=   0.000
    first QM calculation of energy/gradient
    Have    2 qm sets
    writing out coords for set    1 to 'gelly_coords_for_qmhelper.crdin' 
    writing out coords for set    1 to 'gelly_coords_for_helper.xyz' 
    writing out coords for set    1 to 'gelly_coords_for_helper.xyz_plus_bond' 
    setting up  GEOMBONDREC_TYPE_HASH* so as to be able to map type cif bond type "single" to integer GBOND_TYPE=1 etc.
    using default  GEOMBONDREC_TYPE_HASH_STR='SING* 1 DOUB* 2 TRIP* 3 AROM* 4 DELO* 4 METAL* 5'
    to override default use a NOTE BUSTER_GEOMBONDREC_TYPE_HASH_STR gelly card
    using SYSTEM to invoke unix command: 
     bash -c "$BDG_home/scripts/qm-mm-helpers/forcefield.pl     0     1  'AUTO' &> gelly_qm_helper.log"
    QM_HELPER_LOG: forcefield.pl invoking OpenEye Helper with /mnt/scratch_fs1/osmart/autobuster/Server/scripts/qm-mm-helpers/OpenEye.pl 0 1 AUTO
    QM_HELPER_LOG: gelly helper script to run OpenEye helpers for force field or QM energy/gradient calculation
    QM_HELPER_LOG: Please obtain helpers for OpenEye http://www.eyesopen.com/
    QM_HELPER_LOG: helper script location /mnt/scratch_fs1/osmart/autobuster/Server/scripts/qm-mm-helpers/OpenEye.pl
    QM_HELPER_LOG: picked up charge=0 multip=1 method=AUTO from command line
    QM_HELPER_LOG: Open Eye executable used:  /home/osmart/2013/09/OpenEyeHelper/openeye/bin//buster_helper_mmff
    QM_HELPER_LOG:            :jGf:
    QM_HELPER_LOG:         :jGDDDDf:
    QM_HELPER_LOG:     ,fDDLt:   :iLDDL;
    QM_HELPER_LOG:   ;fDLt:         :tfDG;
    QM_HELPER_LOG: ,jft:   ,ijfffji,   :iff
    QM_HELPER_LOG:     ;GDDGt:''':tDDDG,
    QM_HELPER_LOG:    .DDDG:       :GDDG.
    QM_HELPER_LOG:    ;DDDj         tDDDi
    QM_HELPER_LOG:    ,DDDf         fDDD,         Copyright (c) 2013
    QM_HELPER_LOG:     LDDDt.     .fDDDj          OpenEye Scientific Software, Inc.
    QM_HELPER_LOG:     .tDDDDfjtjfDDDGt
    QM_HELPER_LOG:       :ifGDDDDDGfi.            Version:
    QM_HELPER_LOG:           .:::.                Built:   20130710
    QM_HELPER_LOG:   ......................       OEChem version: 1.9.2 20130710
    QM_HELPER_LOG:   DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD       Platform: Ubuntu-12.04-g++4.6-x64
    QM_HELPER_LOG: Input ISM: c1cc(ccc1C2C3CCCC3c4cc(ccc4O2)O)O
    QM energy for QMset    1 picked up as            316.47988
    writing out coords for set    2 to 'gelly_coords_for_qmhelper.crdin' 
    writing out coords for set    2 to 'gelly_coords_for_helper.xyz' 
    writing out coords for set    2 to 'gelly_coords_for_helper.xyz_plus_bond' 
    using SYSTEM to invoke unix command: 
     bash -c "$BDG_home/scripts/qm-mm-helpers/forcefield.pl     0     1  'AUTO' &> gelly_qm_helper.log"
    QM_HELPER_LOG: forcefield.pl invoking OpenEye Helper with /mnt/scratch_fs1/osmart/autobuster/Server/scripts/qm-mm-helpers/OpenEye.pl 0 1 AUTO
    QM_HELPER_LOG: gelly helper script to run OpenEye helpers for force field or QM energy/gradient calculation
    QM_HELPER_LOG: Please obtain helpers for OpenEye http://www.eyesopen.com/
    QM_HELPER_LOG: helper script location /mnt/scratch_fs1/osmart/autobuster/Server/scripts/qm-mm-helpers/OpenEye.pl
    QM_HELPER_LOG: picked up charge=0 multip=1 method=AUTO from command line
    QM_HELPER_LOG: Open Eye executable used:  /home/osmart/2013/09/OpenEyeHelper/openeye/bin//buster_helper_mmff
    QM_HELPER_LOG:            :jGf:
    QM_HELPER_LOG:         :jGDDDDf:
    QM_HELPER_LOG:     ,fDDLt:   :iLDDL;
    QM_HELPER_LOG:   ;fDLt:         :tfDG;
    QM_HELPER_LOG: ,jft:   ,ijfffji,   :iff
    QM_HELPER_LOG:     ;GDDGt:''':tDDDG,
    QM_HELPER_LOG:    .DDDG:       :GDDG.
    QM_HELPER_LOG:    ;DDDj         tDDDi
    QM_HELPER_LOG:    ,DDDf         fDDD,         Copyright (c) 2013
    QM_HELPER_LOG:     LDDDt.     .fDDDj          OpenEye Scientific Software, Inc.
    QM_HELPER_LOG:     .tDDDDfjtjfDDDGt
    QM_HELPER_LOG:       :ifGDDDDDGfi.            Version:
    QM_HELPER_LOG:           .:::.                Built:   20130710
    QM_HELPER_LOG:   ......................       OEChem version: 1.9.2 20130710
    QM_HELPER_LOG:   DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD       Platform: Ubuntu-12.04-g++4.6-x64
    QM_HELPER_LOG: Input ISM: c1cc(ccc1C2C3CCCC3c4cc(ccc4O2)O)O
    QM energy for QMset    2 picked up as            321.58912
     Zero weight (or re-weight) conventional restraints involving QM atoms all from the same QM set
     Term     number of re-weighted restraint for each QM set
     BOND            42       42
     ANGL            75       75
     TORS            12       12
     TRIG             0        0
     PLAN            25       25
 Information for buster-report to pick up and to be included in output PDB file:
QMFFINFO I0G A    1, represented by force field,   Program OpenEye Scientific Software, Inc. helper Version: (20130710), Method MMFF94s, weight 16.0
QMFFINFO I0G B    1, represented by force field,   Program OpenEye Scientific Software, Inc. helper Version: (20130710), Method MMFF94s, weight 16.0
 No ligand-(fixed protein) contact term will be used

   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0002 (explanation)
 Initial functional value = 5.089202E+05 rms gradient=      322.149
 X-ray contribution to function value = 3.888182E+05
 Geometry contribution (inc ncs)      = 1.201020E+05
 Geometry function summary
     term                           number     weight       rms        GooF      function     fn/numb
     BOND bond lengths (angs)       3533       2.000      0.0103       0.506      1806.11       0.511
     ANGL bond angles (degs)        4771       2.000        1.36       0.787      5915.82       1.240
     TORS split-harmonic tors        824       0.000       17.35       1.118         0.00       0.000
     SINTOR sinusoidal tors          824       2.000       17.35                  1513.71       1.837
     TRIG.onal planes (angs)          71       2.000      0.0019       0.096         1.32       0.019
     PLAN general plane (angs)       491       5.000      0.0115       0.574       809.74       1.649
     BCORrelations (angs*2)         3617      20.000       2.689       0.469     15931.20       4.405
     CONT (bad contacts)               0       5.000                                 0.00
     IDEAL(ideal-dist contact)      4522       4.000                             42610.65
     CHIRAL (gelly semiharmon)       465       5.000                               112.71
     SIM similarity restraint for NCS and/or TARGET                              43187.50
     OCCSUM restraint on sum of occupanies                                           0.00       as none defined
     DISTAN utility restraints interatomic distance                                  0.00       as none defined
     UTILANGLE utility angle restraints                                              0.00       as none defined
     UTILTOR utility restraints on torsion angles                                    0.00       as none defined
     QM quantum chemical function/sum of energies                                 8213.22       638.07
     QM energy of each set in kJ/mol:                     316.48       321.59
     Peptide omega torsion angles                           1.22 degs - monitor only
 WARNING: Have |delta/sigma| deviations > 5.0 sigma. Number of outliers for each term: 
 WARNING:         7 bond angles.  Worst is     7.9 sigs   131.72 degs A|428:CB=CG=ND1 (HIS)

 Weighted rms      0.0103         1.359  (temporary rms bond and angle for autobuster to pick up!)

 Initial Geometry Sanity Check

 Check for duplicate bonds: no duplicates found
 Check for duplicate or missing bond angles: all are OK
 Check for bond between an atom and itself not involving symmetry:  all are OK
   There are not any bad contacts where Delta/sigma is greater than     6.5
   Worst contact dist=   2.880 std=   3.860 sigma=   0.200 abs(Delta/sigma)=    4.902 ats A|386:CB (ARG) B|410:CE (MET)
   It is likely that the geometry libraries, sequence info and links match the input molecule

 TAO: Toolkit for Advanced Optimization. Reference: 
     Benson, S.J., McInnes, L.C., More, J., Sarich, J. (2005)
     "TAO User Manual (Revision 1.8)", Mathematics and 
     Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
     ANL/MCS-TM-242, http://www.mcs.anl.gov/tao
 Will write writing pdb file every 10 its during opt (overide by -keeppdb value)
 Will apply TAO optimization 
 Maximum number of iterations      100
 Convergence test on Grms       4.0000 (-glim)
 Limit on rms displacement to original position (rmsD2init): NONE test inactive (-dlim)

   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0003 (explanation)
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init       Opttag_H
       0  5.089202E+05  3.888182E+05  1.201020E+05       322.149  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0004 (explanation)

   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0005 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 001 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
       1  4.974682E+05  3.888985E+05  1.085697E+05       225.393    0.00447979     0.0322309       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0006 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 002 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
       2  4.843706E+05  3.891164E+05       95254.2       309.181     0.0169324     0.0990540       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0007 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 003 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
       3  4.791869E+05  3.892848E+05       89902.1       389.368     0.0280208      0.129990       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0008 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 004 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
       4  4.734945E+05  3.892124E+05       84282.1       198.477     0.0283185      0.119547       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0009 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 005 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
       5  4.679128E+05  3.891727E+05       78740.2       158.513     0.0340845      0.132718       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0010 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 006 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
       6  4.638967E+05  3.892050E+05       74691.7       172.351     0.0413976      0.170007       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0011 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 007 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
       7  4.578417E+05  3.892901E+05       68551.6       181.553     0.0553824      0.229924       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0012 (explanation)

   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0013 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 008 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
       8  4.558134E+05  3.893008E+05       66512.6       148.656     0.0603574      0.243198       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0014 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 009 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
       9  4.540515E+05  3.893037E+05       64747.8       96.5021     0.0627247      0.245742       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0015 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 010 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      10  4.522330E+05  3.892847E+05       62948.3       116.055     0.0656131      0.255894       Opttag_D
   Writing pdb file to gelly_output_iter000010.pdb
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0016 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 011 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      11  4.506327E+05  3.892469E+05       61385.8       135.064     0.0694380      0.280843       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0017 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 012 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      12  4.488420E+05  3.892465E+05       59595.5       99.9100     0.0764703      0.326889       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0018 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 013 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      13  4.476496E+05  3.892257E+05       58423.8       80.0633     0.0789699      0.335712       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0019 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 014 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      14  4.464387E+05  3.892157E+05       57223.0       105.025     0.0822128      0.337258       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0020 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 015 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      15  4.453848E+05  3.892368E+05       56147.9       110.347     0.0858009      0.369810       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0021 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 016 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      16  4.441798E+05  3.892669E+05       54912.9       69.2197     0.0899606      0.409305       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0022 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 017 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      17  4.430795E+05  3.892922E+05       53787.3       66.1835     0.0944218      0.442564       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0023 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 018 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      18  4.422801E+05  3.893021E+05       52977.9       114.849     0.0992446      0.470279       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0024 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 019 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      19  4.414596E+05  3.892917E+05       52168.0       83.0304      0.102395      0.481469       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0025 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 020 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      20  4.407780E+05  3.892640E+05       51514.0       57.5286      0.103993      0.478924       Opttag_D
   Writing pdb file to gelly_output_iter000020.pdb
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0026 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 021 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      21  4.400543E+05  3.892406E+05       50813.7       60.4859      0.106832      0.475987       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0027 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 022 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      22  4.395063E+05  3.892452E+05       50261.2       75.0614      0.110218      0.478504       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0028 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 023 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      23  4.388877E+05  3.892705E+05       49617.2       64.2816      0.114078      0.509091       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0029 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 024 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      24  4.383837E+05  3.893174E+05       49066.4       86.0435      0.118746      0.547090       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0030 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 025 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      25  4.379112E+05  3.893374E+05       48573.9       52.0650      0.120294      0.573998       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0031 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 026 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      26  4.375575E+05  3.893431E+05       48214.4       55.8671      0.121506      0.600962       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0032 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 027 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      27  4.368425E+05  3.893528E+05       47489.7       62.5742      0.125573      0.688854       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0033 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 028 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      28  4.360604E+05  3.893978E+05       46662.6       94.8669      0.134126      0.885102       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0034 (explanation)

   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0035 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 029 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      29  4.357212E+05  3.893820E+05       46339.2       68.7729      0.135237      0.931635       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0036 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 030 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      30  4.352630E+05  3.892870E+05       45976.0       39.9311      0.130716      0.896860       Opttag_D
   Writing pdb file to gelly_output_iter000030.pdb
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0037 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 031 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      31  4.348941E+05  3.892963E+05       45597.7       34.8725      0.133035      0.943734       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0038 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 032 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      32  4.346291E+05  3.892794E+05       45349.7       43.8148      0.134052      0.971108       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0039 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 033 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      33  4.343845E+05  3.892777E+05       45106.8       55.5341      0.136535       1.00835       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0040 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 034 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      34  4.341524E+05  3.892928E+05       44859.6       32.3364      0.138517       1.02263       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0041 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 035 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      35  4.339675E+05  3.892893E+05       44678.2       34.2481      0.139666       1.02046       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0042 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 036 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      36  4.337188E+05  3.892942E+05       44424.6       41.0567      0.142105       1.01195       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0043 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 037 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      37  4.335667E+05  3.893185E+05       44248.2       93.3842      0.148293      0.985884       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0044 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 038 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      38  4.332093E+05  3.893253E+05       43884.0       36.4064      0.149693       1.00122       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0045 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 039 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      39  4.330737E+05  3.893324E+05       43741.3       25.5611      0.150602       1.00963       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0046 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 040 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      40  4.329192E+05  3.893519E+05       43567.3       32.5658      0.153084       1.01466       Opttag_D
   Writing pdb file to gelly_output_iter000040.pdb
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0047 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 041 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      41  4.327002E+05  3.893831E+05       43317.1       53.5696      0.157579       1.02791       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0048 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 042 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      42  4.324921E+05  3.894132E+05       43078.9       31.8298      0.161099       1.03685       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0049 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 043 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      43  4.323029E+05  3.894340E+05       42869.0       25.8816      0.164183       1.04928       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0050 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 044 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      44  4.321725E+05  3.894476E+05       42724.9       45.8318      0.166858       1.06577       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0051 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 045 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      45  4.320186E+05  3.894561E+05       42562.5       34.5624      0.168727       1.08086       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0052 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 046 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      46  4.318229E+05  3.894632E+05       42359.7       29.3487      0.171001       1.10459       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0053 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 047 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      47  4.316205E+05  3.894747E+05       42145.8       36.3782      0.174167       1.13523       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0054 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 048 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      48  4.314351E+05  3.894996E+05       41935.5       37.7523      0.178391       1.16779       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0055 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 049 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      49  4.312754E+05  3.894939E+05       41781.6       27.2222      0.179292       1.17435       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0056 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 050 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      50  4.310842E+05  3.894917E+05       41592.5       39.2371      0.181510       1.18898       Opttag_D
   Writing pdb file to gelly_output_iter000050.pdb
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0057 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 051 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      51  4.310117E+05  3.894942E+05       41517.6       50.3371      0.183347       1.20063       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0058 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 052 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      52  4.309168E+05  3.894846E+05       41432.2       26.9147      0.182851       1.19827       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0059 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 053 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      53  4.307953E+05  3.894837E+05       41311.6       23.1991      0.183845       1.20765       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0060 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 054 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      54  4.306844E+05  3.894719E+05       41212.6       30.2948      0.184846       1.21692       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0061 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 055 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      55  4.304875E+05  3.894758E+05       41011.7       31.8257      0.187771       1.23801       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0062 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 056 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      56  4.303961E+05  3.894446E+05       40951.5       93.1686      0.191063       1.26495       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0063 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 057 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      57  4.300916E+05  3.894773E+05       40614.3       28.3273      0.193954       1.27991       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0064 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 058 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      58  4.299822E+05  3.894848E+05       40497.4       21.0733      0.194113       1.27852       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0065 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 059 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      59  4.298332E+05  3.894991E+05       40334.1       25.1656      0.196517       1.29031       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0066 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 060 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      60  4.296842E+05  3.895067E+05       40177.6       49.5855      0.198989       1.30212       Opttag_D
   Writing pdb file to gelly_output_iter000060.pdb
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0067 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 061 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      61  4.295267E+05  3.894907E+05       40036.1       26.1085      0.199422       1.30415       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0068 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 062 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      62  4.294289E+05  3.895059E+05       39923.0       20.6252      0.201404       1.31660       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0069 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 063 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      63  4.293580E+05  3.894806E+05       39877.4       26.4545      0.201481       1.32023       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0070 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 064 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      64  4.292773E+05  3.894767E+05       39800.6       21.8233      0.202340       1.32752       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0071 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 065 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      65  4.291519E+05  3.895226E+05       39629.3       23.7068      0.206887       1.35643       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0072 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 066 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      66  4.290319E+05  3.894395E+05       39592.3       38.5684      0.204326       1.35069       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0073 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 067 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      67  4.288941E+05  3.894552E+05       39438.9       24.9408      0.205859       1.36093       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0074 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 068 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      68  4.288038E+05  3.894603E+05       39343.5       18.1856      0.206234       1.36385       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0075 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 069 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      69  4.287376E+05  3.894418E+05       39295.8       20.0463      0.206373       1.36595       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0076 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 070 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      70  4.287068E+05  3.893991E+05       39307.7       51.7870      0.206712       1.37468       Opttag_D
   Writing pdb file to gelly_output_iter000070.pdb
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0077 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 071 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      71  4.286134E+05  3.893984E+05       39215.0       16.0516      0.206985       1.37887       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0078 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 072 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      72  4.285832E+05  3.893983E+05       39184.9       15.6406      0.207603       1.38185       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0079 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 073 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      73  4.285151E+05  3.893777E+05       39137.4       22.7774      0.207778       1.38590       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0080 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 074 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      74  4.284113E+05  3.893700E+05       39041.2       24.7453      0.210572       1.40587       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0081 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 075 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      75  4.282424E+05  3.893204E+05       38922.0       44.4469      0.213857       1.43480       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0082 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 076 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      76  4.281474E+05  3.893071E+05       38840.4       45.9451      0.215436       1.44882       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0083 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 077 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      77  4.279822E+05  3.893255E+05       38656.6       22.7971      0.213415       1.43587       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0084 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 078 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      78  4.279057E+05  3.893649E+05       38540.8       26.8483      0.217295       1.46304       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0085 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 079 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      79  4.278489E+05  3.893380E+05       38510.9       15.0903      0.216129       1.45552       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0086 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 080 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      80  4.278036E+05  3.893190E+05       38484.5       14.1619      0.215299       1.45323       Opttag_D
   Writing pdb file to gelly_output_iter000080.pdb
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0087 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 081 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      81  4.277743E+05  3.893135E+05       38460.8       19.9746      0.216119       1.46260       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0088 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 082 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      82  4.277472E+05  3.893127E+05       38434.5       11.7950      0.216407       1.46542       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0089 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 083 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      83  4.277215E+05  3.893143E+05       38407.2       10.5666      0.217016       1.47137       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0090 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 084 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      84  4.276925E+05  3.893086E+05       38383.9       13.2912      0.217614       1.47755       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0091 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 085 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      85  4.276451E+05  3.892918E+05       38353.3       15.1889      0.218479       1.48762       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0092 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 086 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      86  4.276359E+05  3.892569E+05       38379.1       43.0348      0.220650       1.51207       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0093 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 087 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      87  4.275459E+05  3.892457E+05       38300.2       15.2552      0.220597       1.51233       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0094 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 088 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      88  4.275029E+05  3.892356E+05       38267.3       11.6772      0.220893       1.51603       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0095 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 089 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      89  4.274418E+05  3.892138E+05       38228.0       17.3565      0.222345       1.53113       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0096 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 090 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      90  4.273656E+05  3.891947E+05       38170.9       20.4243      0.225213       1.55812       Opttag_D
   Writing pdb file to gelly_output_iter000090.pdb
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0097 (explanation)

   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0098 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 091 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      91  4.273091E+05  3.891771E+05       38132.0       26.0009      0.228545       1.58885       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0099 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 092 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      92  4.272381E+05  3.891714E+05       38066.7       12.7938      0.231210       1.61304       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0100 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 093 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      93  4.271920E+05  3.891735E+05       38018.6       13.3128      0.232612       1.62569       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0101 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 094 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      94  4.271411E+05  3.891709E+05       37970.2       17.6489      0.234573       1.64326       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0102 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 095 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      95  4.270873E+05  3.891753E+05       37912.0       18.4129      0.237578       1.67085       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0103 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 096 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      96  4.270412E+05  3.891683E+05       37872.9       11.3508      0.238286       1.67702       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0104 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 097 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      97  4.270001E+05  3.891610E+05       37839.1       12.6669      0.239389       1.68776       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0105 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 098 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      98  4.269639E+05  3.891572E+05       37806.6       17.6856      0.240741       1.69934       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0106 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 099 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
      99  4.269184E+05  3.891490E+05       37769.4       13.4207      0.242148       1.71110       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


   MaxLik Scaling Cycle 0107 (explanation)

   Wilson plot

   Statistics in resolution bins after refinement cycle 100 (explanation) : 
   Iters     Tot_Funct    Xray_Funct    Geom_Funct          Grms     rmsD2init     maxD2init
     100  4.268779E+05  3.891429E+05       37735.0       10.8519      0.243651       1.72498       Opttag_D
   Geometry Restraint Deviations SCREEN Information


 TLS information. Total number of groups:     0

 Group   Natoms    FixRB   FixTLS   Group Tag    Group Spec

 For final position, Geometry function summary
     term                           number     weight       rms        GooF      function     fn/numb
     BOND bond lengths (angs)       3533       2.000      0.0085       0.413      1206.83       0.342
     ANGL bond angles (degs)        4771       2.000        0.98       0.570      3104.47       0.651
     TORS split-harmonic tors        824       0.000       18.63       1.200         0.00       0.000
     SINTOR sinusoidal tors          824       2.000       18.63                  1765.90       2.143
     TRIG.onal planes (angs)          71       2.000      0.0058       0.292        12.10       0.170
     PLAN general plane (angs)       491       5.000      0.0114       0.569       795.26       1.620
     BCORrelations (angs*2)         3617      20.000       0.862       0.150      1635.63       0.452
     CONT (bad contacts)               0       5.000                                 0.00
     IDEAL(ideal-dist contact)      4123       4.000                             20124.52
     CHIRAL (gelly semiharmon)       465       5.000                                39.88
     SIM similarity restraint for NCS and/or TARGET                               2078.56
     OCCSUM restraint on sum of occupanies                                           0.00       as none defined
     DISTAN utility restraints interatomic distance                                  0.00       as none defined
     UTILANGLE utility angle restraints                                              0.00       as none defined
     UTILTOR utility restraints on torsion angles                                    0.00       as none defined
     QM quantum chemical function/sum of energies                                 6971.87       541.63
     QM energy of each set in kJ/mol:                     270.82       270.81
     Peptide omega torsion angles                           2.19 degs - monitor only

 Weighted rms      0.0085         0.985  (temporary rms bond and angle for autobuster to pick up!)
 Outputing geometry progress graph in plotmtv format to file:Geom_Res.mtv
 s/r gelly normal termination
Statistics and scale factors vs. cycle number  (explanation) : 
   Final Geometry Information (explanation)

2. Final results

Statistics and scale factors vs. cycle number  (explanation) : 

   Average Figure of Merit     (explanation)
   Structure Factor Amplitudes (explanation)

 # normal termination

  Program stopped.

 closesok message: time spent in tree =   506.80 (user)       22.92 (sys)

Normal termination

 Resources usage summary:
     Time spent in client ...................   513.56 (user)       28.44 (system)
     Time spent in scripts (   224 calls) ...     1.10 (user)        0.05 (system)
     Time spent in server ...................     0.00 (user)        0.04 (system)

     Max resident memory used (kb) .......... 131176
     Number of page faults .................. 8 (major)    7109298 (minor)
     Number of context switches ............. 60807 (niced)    54216 (other)