[buster-discuss] New BUSTER/TNT installation - seems to be *almost* working...

Steve Lane drsteve at rna.berkeley.edu
Thu Dec 14 03:29:54 GMT 2006

Greetings.  I have installed SHARP several times with success, but this
is my first go at BUSTER.  Everything seems fine until I try to use
(any) one of the sample data sets, at which point I get:

ERROR in /usr/local/buster/buffet/cgi-bin/inputform.cgi

    The following return values are set:

    * Child error = 0
    * OS error =
    * Eval error = 0 

Error message  :   Error parsing the mtzdump output of /usr/local/buster/users/drsteve/None.buster/datafiles/Barnase.mtz Cell/symmetry/resolution information is missing 

(Above this, on the same webpage, listed under "2. Diffraction Data",
I see several function definitions, included below.)

Note that it doesn't seem to matter which dataset I use, the problem
is always with Barnase.mtz.  It also doesn't *seem* to be a permissions
problem - I was able to create ~/busterfiles without any problems, and
I manually opened up the permissions on all the files and directories
in ~/busterfiles (to 777) without any improvement.

Any help will be most appreciated.

Steve Lane
System, Network and Security Administrator
Doudna Lab
Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism Group
UC Berkeley


2.    Diffraction data
   function changeResol( type ) { var el; var defVal; var low_bound; var high_bound; if( type == 0 ) { el = document.launch.res_low.value * 1.0; defVal = file.reslo.value * 1.0; low_bound = document.launch.res_hi.value * 1.0; high_bound = file.reslo.value * 1.0; } else { el = document.launch.res_hi.value * 1.0; defVal = file.reshi.value * 1.0; low_bound = file.reshi.value * 1.0; high_bound = document.launch.res_low.value * 1.0; } checkBounds( el, 0.99*low_bound, 1.01*high_bound, defVal ); if( type == 0 ) { document.launch.le1.value = el; document.launch.bs1.value = el; document.launch.dn1.value = el; } else { document.launch.le2.value = el; document.launch.bs2.value = el; document.launch.dn2.value = el; } } function checkBounds( el, low_bound, high_bound, default_val ) { var value = el.value * 1.0; var low = low_bound * 1.0; var high = high_bound * 1.0; if( value < low || value > high ) { alert( "This value " + value + " must be between " + low + " and " + high ); el.value = default_val * 1.0; } } function Label( name, type ) { this.name = name; this.type = type; } function MTZ( name, cell, symm, res, labels ) { this.name = name; this.cell = cell; this.symm = symm; this.reslo = res[0] * 1.0; this.reshi = res[1] * 1.0; this.labels = labels; } function selectMTZ( f, selection ) { // Loop over all available MTZ files for( var i = 0; i < mtzs.length; ++i ) { if( mtzs[i].name == selection ) { file = mtzs[i]; f.res_low.value = file.reslo * 1.0; f.res_hi.value = file.reshi * 1.0; changeResol( 0 ); changeResol( 1 ); f.a.value = file.cell[0] * 1.0; f.b.value = file.cell[1] * 1.0; f.c.value = file.cell[2] * 1.0; f.alpha.value = file.cell[3] * 1.0; f.beta.value = file.cell[4] * 1.0; f.gamma.value = file.cell[5] * 1.0; f.symm.value = file.symm; document.launch.FP_Label.options.length = 0; var k = 0; for( var j = 0; j < mtzs[i].labels.length; ++j ) if( mtzs[i].labels[j].type == "F" ) ++k; --k; if( k > 0 ) { document.launch.FP_Label.options[0] = new Option( "None", "None", true, true ); document.launch.FP_Label.selectedIndex = 0; k = 1; } for( var j = 0; j < mtzs[i].labels.length; ++j ) { if( mtzs[i].labels[j].type == "F" ) { var selected = false; if( k == 0 ) selected = true; f.FP_Label.options[k] = new Option( mtzs[i].labels[j].name, mtzs[i].labels[j].name, selected, selected ); ++k; } } document.launch.FP_Label.options[0].selected = true; document.launch.SIGFP_Label.options.length = 0; k = 0; for( var j = 0; j < mtzs[i].labels.length; ++j ) if( mtzs[i].labels[j].type == "Q" ) ++k; --k; if( k > 0 ) { document.launch.SIGFP_Label.options[0] = new Option( "None", "None", true, true ); document.launch.SIGFP_Label.selectedIndex = 0; k = 1; } for( var j = 0; j < mtzs[i].labels.length; ++j ) { if( mtzs[i].labels[j].type == "Q" ) { var selected = false; if( k == 0 ) selected = true; f.SIGFP_Label.options[k] = new Option( mtzs[i].labels[j].name, mtzs[i].labels[j].name, selected, selected ); ++k; } } document.launch.SIGFP_Label.options[0].selected = true; document.launch.FreeR_flag_Label.options.length = 0; k = 0; for( var j = 0; j < mtzs[i].labels.length; ++j ) if( mtzs[i].labels[j].type == "I" ) ++k; --k; if( k > 0 ) { document.launch.FreeR_flag_Label.options[0] = new Option( "None", "None", true, true ); document.launch.FreeR_flag_Label.selectedIndex = 0; k = 1; } for( var j = 0; j < mtzs[i].labels.length; ++j ) { if( mtzs[i].labels[j].type == "I" ) { var selected = false; if( k == 0 ) selected = true; f.FreeR_flag_Label.options[k] = new Option( mtzs[i].labels[j].name, mtzs[i].labels[j].name, selected, selected ); ++k; } } document.launch.FreeR_flag_Label.options[0].selected = true; document.launch.HLA_Label.options.length = 0; document.launch.HLB_Label.options.length = 0; document.launch.HLC_Label.options.length = 0; document.launch.HLD_Label.options.length = 0; f.HLA_Label.options[0] = new Option( "None", "None" ); f.HLB_Label.options[0] = new Option( "None", "None" ); f.HLC_Label.options[0] = new Option( "None", "None" ); f.HLD_Label.options[0] = new Option( "None", "None" ); k = 1; for( var j = 0; j < mtzs[i].labels.length; ++j ) { if( mtzs[i].labels[j].type == "A" ) { if( mtzs[i].labels[j].type == "HLA" ) f.HLA_Label.options[k] = new Option( mtzs[i].labels[j].name, mtzs[i].labels[j].name, true, true ); else f.HLA_Label.options[k] = new Option( mtzs[i].labels[j].name, mtzs[i].labels[j].name ); if( mtzs[i].labels[j].type == "HLB" ) f.HLB_Label.options[k] = new Option( mtzs[i].labels[j].name, mtzs[i].labels[j].name, true, true ); else f.HLB_Label.options[k] = new Option( mtzs[i].labels[j].name, mtzs[i].labels[j].name ); if( mtzs[i].labels[j].type == "HLC" ) f.HLC_Label.options[k] = new Option( mtzs[i].labels[j].name, mtzs[i].labels[j].name, true, true ); else f.HLC_Label.options[k] = new Option( mtzs[i].labels[j].name, mtzs[i].labels[j].name ); if( mtzs[i].labels[j].type == "HLD" ) f.HLD_Label.options[k] = new Option( mtzs[i].labels[j].name, mtzs[i].labels[j].name, true, true ); else f.HLD_Label.options[k] = new Option( mtzs[i].labels[j].name, mtzs[i].labels[j].name ); ++k; } } break; } } } function clearHL( f, el ) { if( el.selectedIndex == 0 ) { f.HLA_Label.selectedIndex = 0; f.HLB_Label.selectedIndex = 0; f.HLC_Label.selectedIndex = 0; f.HLD_Label.selectedIndex = 0; } } var mtzs = new Array( 4 );

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