[buster-discuss] two questions : one about negative reflections and one about Simulated annealing

Nicolas Foos nicolas.foos at ibs.fr
Tue Jun 22 11:28:58 CEST 2021

Dear buster users and developers, 

I have two questions : one simple : is it possible to perform a simulated annealing using buster. I didn't see anything like that in the manual, but maybe I miss it. 

The second question : how autoBuster handle the negative reflections present in the data file ? 
- Does it ignore them ? 
- Does it fill them ? 
- Does it set them to zero ? 
What's you opinion about that point, should we use them or not. I would be glad to have your opinion about that point. 

To let you know a bit more : I am working on time resolve project. The Data were originally collected in XFEL, then processed using CrystFel. And then based on Fo(state1)-Fo(state2) difference map calculation, I did an extrapolation to refine the model. The data which generates my questions are the Extrapolated ones. 

I am fully open to any comments. 

All the best, 

Nicolas Foos 

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