[sharp-discuss] mir in autosharp

sameeta bilgrami sameeta_b@yahoo.co.in
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 05:25:30 +0000 (GMT)

hi all,
     In the documentation of autosharp, it has been
written that due to the origin shifts etc. it is
better to start with an sir and then move on to mir.
    I have got three derivatives i.e. Hg Th and Ur. I
have been able to get one one heavy atom position for
Th and Hg.(by running autosharp seperately for the two
derivatives).The cc(test) for the Th site is 0.12 and
that for the hg site is 0.08. Final cc of the map
after density modification is 57.53  for the Th
derivative and 80.33 for the Hg derivative.
     Now when i try to run autosharp with the two
derivatives together (and putting only one of the
sites i.e. either Hg site or the Th site, as input),
it does two things:
1) It rejects the site that was input after weeding(it
does this for both the sites). It then goes on and
finds the site for the other derivative which is the
same as the one it found when autosharp was run taking
that derivative alone.
2) at the stage of automatic interpretation of
residual maps the pkmaps gives the error "unable to
find operator with MAXLVL on COMBine card"
    Where I am i going wrong. How should i input the
      Thanking you in advance.

Sameeta Bilgrami
Research Scolar
Deptt. of biophysics
All India Instt. of Medical Scs.

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