[sharp-discuss] DM output cards

Yi Xue yi-xue at northwestern.edu
Mon Apr 9 19:45:59 BST 2007

Dear all:

       Sorry for the stupid question.  I am new to sharp/autosharp. I ran a
heavy atom refinment job in autosharp, and feed the refined heavy atom sites
into the DM in sharp. The heavy atom sites are present in the crystals as
cofactors, not derivatives. The output eden_flat_##.#pc.mtz contains a lot
of F*, PHI* cards.  My next step is to start the restrained refinement, I am
a little confused which Fp, sigma, and Phi, FOM should I input?

Here is the whole list of the cards:

H K L Fcentsha PHIcentsha FOMsha HLA HLB HLC HLD FHsha PHIHsha FreeR_flag
FPsha SIGFPsha Fcentshasol PHIcentshasol FBshasol PHIBshasol PHIshasol
FOMshasol FCshasol PHICshasol PHIdm FOMdm Fdm HLAdm HLBdm HLCdm HLDdm

I would appreciate if anyone could help to give me some ideas about what are
the differences between F* cards, or send me some links for explanations of


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