############################################################### ############################################################### ############################################################### ### CCP4 6.1: CAD version 6.1 : 20/01/09## ############################################################### User: subbu Run date: 13/12/2009 Run time: 08:07:53 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994. "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763. as well as any specific reference in the program write-up. Data line--- RESOL OVER_ALL 45.94 1.2 Data line--- LABIN FILE 1 E1=FBshasol E2= Data line--- CTYPIN FILE 1 E1=F E2=P Data line--- LABOUT FILE 1 E1=FBshasol E2= Data line--- END Indices output even if all data items flagged "missing" OPENED INPUT MTZ FILE Logical Name: HKLIN1 Filename: /Users/subbu/sharp/users/subbu/None.sharp/logfiles/krel-SAD.1/eden_flat_49.4pc.mtz * Title: * Base dataset: 0 HKL_base HKL_base HKL_base * Number of Datasets = 0 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength: * Number of Columns = 30 * Number of Reflections = 19202 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file * Column Labels : H K L Fcentsha PHIcentsha FOMsha HLA HLB HLC HLD FHsha PHIHsha FreeR_flag FPsha SIGFPsha Fcentshasol PHIcentshasol FBshasol PHIBshasol PHIshasol FOMshasol FCshasol PHICshasol PHIdm FOMdm Fdm HLAdm HLBdm HLCdm HLDdm * Column Types : H H H F P W A A A A F P I F Q F P F P P W F P P W F A A A A * Associated datasets : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above) 51.6370 57.9730 75.3200 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 * Resolution Range : 0.00047 0.28504 ( 45.941 - 1.873 A ) * Sort Order : 1 2 3 0 0 * Space group = 'P 21 21 21' (number 19) Spacegroup information obtained from library file: Logical Name: SYMINFO Filename: /Users/subbu/sharp/database/syminfo.lib Reciprocal space symmetry: Space group: "P 21 21 21" Point group: "PG222" Laue group: "mmm" Reference asymmetric unit: "h>=0 and k>=0 and l>=0" (change of basis may be applied) Spacegroup 19 "P 21 21 21" Original indices for reflection hkl with symmetry number ISYM Bijvoet positive ISYM ISYM ISYM ISYM ISYM 1 +h,+k,+l 3 -h,-k,+l 5 +h,-k,-l 7 -h,+k,-l Bijvoet negative ISYM ISYM ISYM ISYM ISYM 2 -h,-k,-l 4 +h,+k,-l 6 -h,+k,+l 8 +h,-k,+l Chosen Asymmetric unit of reciprocal space: [mmm] hkl:h>=0, k>=0, l>=0 ** "Missing" flag set in HKLIN1 to Nan: ** "Missing" entries LISTED as -999.000 Data line--- LABIN E1=FBshasol E2 MtzParseLabin: run out of labels trying to match "E2" CAD: Error in label assignments in LKYSET Times: User: 0.0s System: 0.0s Elapsed: 0:00