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View/Submit SHARP benchmarks

1. View SHARP benchmark database

The database of SHARP benchmark results is available here. Please note that it's not very well sorted and not searchable. The important number is the user time (ie CPU time).

2. Submit to SHARP benchmark database

2.1. Get the benchmark script benchSHARP.sh

You will need the "official" SHARP input files:

These should already be present in your $BDG_home/samples/sharp/cardfiles directory (from the latests sharp_tutorials.tar.gz package). Otherwise you need to place them there.

2.2. Run the script (as follows)

% cd /where/ever/you/want

% setenv BDG_home /where/sharp/is/installed              # csh/tcsh
  - or -
% BDG_home=/where/sharp/is/installed && export BDG_home  # sh/ksh/bash

% chmod +x ./benchSHARP.sh
% ./benchSHARP.sh
If no errors are encountered it will create new subdirectories IF3-C.X and KrEl.X for each invocation - so you can run it in the same directory on different machines. Just paste the results into the following form and we will include it in the database. You can re-create the output by using the -a command line flag:
% ./benchSHARP.sh -a

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Last modification: 15.05.08