UNDER CONSTRUCTION (throughout the workshop)



These pages are intended as a resource for the tutorials of our software at the International workshop, Joint CeBEM-CCP4 initiative, April 9th-17th, 2013, Institut Pasteur Montevideo, Uruguay .

Much more introductory material is available for each program:

autoPROC relies on external programs like:

Local setup

All programs should be configured and setup correctly. You can test this by running

% process -h

For running this tutorial, it might be a good idea to start in a fresh, empty directory.


This should be a reasonably fast run through all stages of data-processing (about 5 min on an i7-2720QM laptop with 8Gb of memory).

We're going to use the data for 1O22 from the JCSG. It is

autoPROC (data processing)

Note: more examples and tutorials are given on the autoPROC wiki. And make sure you have a copy of the autoPROC reference card.

This peak dataset consists of 90 images (tm0875_8p44_1_E1_001.img to tm0875_8p44_1_E1_090.img). A quick look at the image header can be done with

% imginfo ~/Desktop/Tutorials/1o22/tm0875_8p44_1_E1_001.img

that gives

>>> Image format detected as ADSC

===== Header information:
date                                = 13 Oct 2002 18:47:43
exposure time             [seconds] = 45.000
distance                       [mm] = 200.000
wavelength                      [A] = 0.977800
Phi-angle (start, end)     [degree] = 90.000 91.000
Oscillation-angle in Phi   [degree] = 1.000
Omega-angle                [degree] = 0.000
2-Theta angle              [degree] = 0.000
Pixel size in X                [mm] = 0.102400
Pixel size in Y                [mm] = 0.102400
Number of pixels in X               = 2048
Number of pixels in Y               = 2048
Beam centre in X               [mm] = 104.900
Beam centre in X            [pixel] = 1024.414
Beam centre in Y               [mm] = 104.800
Beam centre in Y            [pixel] = 1023.438
Overload value                      = 65535

It is a good idea to have two terminals open: one for running the program and a second to look at results already while its running (in case you are impatient).

We can run this with all defaults

% process -I ~/Desktop/Tutorials/1o22 -d 00 | tee 00.lis

or with some additional automation using the process command from a terminal/shell:

% process -M automatic -I ~/Desktop/Tutorials/1o22 -d 01 | tee 01.lis

which should give us after about 3 minutes a processed dataset (using XDS, POINTLESS and SCALA/AIMLESS as part of autoPROC). There are probably a few interesting notes along the way ... and in your second terminal you could already have a look at intermediate results, eg. with

% cd 00
% ls -ltra
% ls -ltra *.png
% display distance.png

Since the specification of the beam centre (or detector) is a crucial part, some information is given:


It seems there is some problem regarding indexing - autoPROC enters the so-called "iterative indexing" mode:


Remember, we would always like to index all spots on the images - anything not indexed is something to look at:


The above rough resolution limits are based on spots - where a spot is most often much stronger than a still useful reflection: so the high-resolution limit is probably conservative.

By default, the initial indexing is done in P1. Hopefully we reach a good indexing solution with small errors:


The first list of possible indexing solutions for different lattices already give an indication of the spacegroup:


After the initial integration (in P1) we use POINTLESS to decide on most likely spacegroup:


It is always a good idea to check the above analysis very carefully: are all symmetries defined with the same probability? Was there enough data available to make such a crucial decision about spacegroup?

A quick analysis of data quality using the chosen spacegroup can eg already give an indication of anomalous signal:


Another round of integration is done, now in the higher symmetry spacegroup:


We follow this with a scaling cycle using AIMLESS:


resulting in a "table 1" set of statistics:


In case of severe anisotropy, AIMLESS will give some indication of the problem:


Finally, we get a processed reflection file and the required section for structure deposition (REMARK 200):


You should also have a look at the various graphs (PNG files) eg. with

% display 00/*.png

What do they show? Anything interesting in those images? What shape would we expect and where do we get deviations from that expectaions?

00_angle_cell_axis0_ABC.png 00_angle_orientation0.png 00_cell_axes_devmean.png 00_detector_center_origin.png 00_distance.png 00_divergence-mosaicity.png 00_scale.png 00_SPOT.noHKL.png 00_standard_deviation.png

You should also look at the scaling logfile using:

% loggraph 00/aimless.log

own data

Make sure you know where to find documentation and help online:

       % process -h
       % refine -h

autoPROC (data processing)

Ideally just running e.g.

% process -d 01 | tee 01.lis

in your directory with the images should be enough. However, often it is necessary to provide some additional, non-default parameters to describe the beamline/instrument - see here for some more information.

If you have potentially difficult data, you could also try and run with

% process -M LowResOrTricky -d 02 | tee 02.lis

Please see the autoPROC reference card (on the course moodle site) and the autoPROC wiki for more help - or type

% process -h
% process -M list

Original page: April 2013, Clemens Vonrhein