Date deposited | Date data collection | Resolution | R, Rfree |
20110629 | 20090720 | 2.58 | 0.2150 0.2800 |
Molprobity (CCP4 7.0 version) summary:
Ramachandran outliers = 1.31 % favored = 89.87 % Rotamer outliers = 11.24 % C-beta deviations = 1 Clashscore = 17.18 RMS(bonds) = 0.0175 RMS(angles) = 1.68 MolProbity score = 3.09 Resolution = 2.58 R-work = 0.2150 R-free = 0.2800
Additional analysis:
Number of waters = 55 <B> (all atoms) = 56.45 ( sd = 13.08 ) for 2469 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (protein) = 56.41 ( sd = 13.01 ) for 2398 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (water) = 51.82 ( sd = 8.57 ) for 55 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (others) = 78.67 ( sd = 14.65 ) for 16 non-hydrogen atoms B min/max (all non-hydrogen atoms) = 27.29 / 95.62 B min/max (protein non-hydrogen atoms) = 27.29 / 94.92 B min/max (water non-hydrogen atoms) = 32.94 / 68.54 B min/max (other non-hydrogen atoms) = 59.51 / 95.62
Molprobity (CCP4 7.0 version) summary:
Ramachandran outliers = 0.00 % favored = 97.06 % Rotamer outliers = 6.74 % C-beta deviations = 1 Clashscore = 5.66 RMS(bonds) = 0.0115 RMS(angles) = 1.59 MolProbity score = 2.10 Resolution = 2.58 R-work = 0.1854 R-free = 0.2174
Additional analysis:
Number of waters = 86 <B> (all atoms) = 72.16 ( sd = 16.51 ) for 2500 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (protein) = 71.92 ( sd = 16.46 ) for 2398 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (water) = 73.58 ( sd = 14.30 ) for 86 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (others) = 100.64 ( sd = 5.93 ) for 16 non-hydrogen atoms B min/max (all non-hydrogen atoms) = 43.82 / 127.87 B min/max (protein non-hydrogen atoms) = 43.82 / 127.87 B min/max (water non-hydrogen atoms) = 47.15 / 110.34 B min/max (other non-hydrogen atoms) = 92.96 / 111.22
Refinement progression:
File | Remark |
3SNC_aB_refine.01_03_refine.pdb.gz | exact refinement commands are in header |
3SNC_aB_refine.01_03_refine.mtz.gz | including original deposited data and several re-refinement map coefficients |
3SNC_aB_refine.01_03_BUSTER_model.cif.gz | including any non-standard compound restraints |
3SNC_aB_refine.01_03_BUSTER_refln.cif.gz |