Diffraction limits & principal axes of ellipsoid fitted to diffraction cut-off surface: 1.764 0.9982 0.0000 -0.0594 0.994 a* - 0.111 c* 1.752 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 b* 1.602 0.0594 0.0000 0.9982 0.155 a* + 0.988 c*
Date deposited | Date data collection | Resolution | R, Rfree |
20200315 | 20200304 | 1.68 | 0.1820 0.2220 |
Molprobity (CCP4 7.0 version) summary:
Ramachandran outliers = 0.33 % favored = 98.01 % Rotamer outliers = 1.89 % C-beta deviations = 0 Clashscore = 7.80 RMS(bonds) = 0.0134 RMS(angles) = 1.83 MolProbity score = 1.64 Resolution = 1.68 R-work = 0.1820 R-free = 0.2220
Additional analysis:
Number of waters = 337 <B> (all atoms) = 26.37 ( sd = 9.87 ) for 2740 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (protein) = 24.89 ( sd = 9.09 ) for 2370 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (water) = 35.95 ( sd = 9.56 ) for 337 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (others) = 35.32 ( sd = 11.38 ) for 33 non-hydrogen atoms B min/max (all non-hydrogen atoms) = 13.72 / 74.84 B min/max (protein non-hydrogen atoms) = 13.72 / 74.84 B min/max (water non-hydrogen atoms) = 15.85 / 60.94 B min/max (other non-hydrogen atoms) = 23.71 / 51.17
Molprobity (CCP4 7.0 version) summary:
Ramachandran outliers = 0.33 % favored = 98.34 % Rotamer outliers = 1.14 % C-beta deviations = 0 Clashscore = 3.37 RMS(bonds) = 0.0117 RMS(angles) = 1.56 MolProbity score = 1.17 Resolution = 1.68 R-work = 0.1838 R-free = 0.2211
Additional analysis:
Number of waters = 328 <B> (all atoms) = 27.41 ( sd = 9.16 ) for 2731 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (protein) = 25.68 ( sd = 7.54 ) for 2370 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (water) = 39.11 ( sd = 10.64 ) for 328 non-hydrogen atoms <B> (others) = 34.96 ( sd = 11.80 ) for 33 non-hydrogen atoms B min/max (all non-hydrogen atoms) = 10.68 / 85.84 B min/max (protein non-hydrogen atoms) = 10.68 / 68.20 B min/max (water non-hydrogen atoms) = 15.79 / 85.84 B min/max (other non-hydrogen atoms) = 24.65 / 45.29
Refinement progression:
File | Remark |
5RET_aB_refine.01_03_refine.pdb.gz | exact refinement commands are in header |
5RET_aB_refine.01_03_refine.mtz.gz | including original deposited data and several re-refinement map coefficients |
5RET_aB_refine.01_03_BUSTER_model.cif.gz | including any non-standard compound restraints |
5RET_aB_refine.01_03_BUSTER_refln.cif.gz |