Known Issues in 2017105 SHARP/autoSHARP release:
Please also check the SHARP home page and the news page for updates and releases.
CCP4 truncate
Some background is given here. This problem can affect SHARP/autoSHARP users in two ways:
- If starting from MTZ file(s) containing already amplitudes and anomalous differences (including their sigmas):
- these should ideally have been generated via a functioning TRUNCATE versions (prior to CCP4 7.0.039 or after 7.0.056);
- alternatively, a different program for intensities-to-amplitudes (and anomalous differences) could be used - e.g. CTRUNCATE or XDSCONV (if coming from XDS processing).
- If startingt from intensity data, e.g. via *.sca files:
- autoSHARP will internally run TRUNCATE to generate those amplitudes and anomalous differences from the input intensities
- the next release will contain a workaround to ensure that a different program (CTRUNCATE) will be used when encountering a faulty TRUNCATE version
You can determine the exact version of CCP4/TRUNCATE by running
% truncate -i
which should return something like
CCP4 software suite: library version 7.0.056
CCP4 software suite: patch level 7.0.056
Program: truncate