20150505: Work in progress (throughout the course)
Here we will collect some information regarding use of our software (during tutorials or when using it on your own) that is particular to the setup during RapiData 2015.
We will try and keep this page here up-to-date as we get settled in during the course.
We are giving tutorials on autoPROC (data processing - see here) and SHARP/autoSHARP (experimental phasing and structure solution) in Building 137E 2nd floor, room 226 - see this map.
Please use the sign-up sheets outside the lecture hall so that we can plan the tutorials. But otherwise: just find us and talk to us at any time during the course (coffee/lunch breaks are a good opportunity) - especially if you are interested in discussing data collection strategies for experimental phasing before doing the actual experiment!
There are different ways of running autoSHARP:
Experimental Phasing --> Automated Search & Phasing --> autoSHARP
Most of the information here should be enough to download some example data and start using autoSHARP through any of the above interfaces.
Remember that you can download the provided example files
by moving the pointer over a link and clicking the right mouse button
Then select "Save link as ..."
and save it in the ~/Downloads folder:
You can then upload those files to the SHARP server from the main Control panel via the "upload files" link
and "Browse" to the ~/Downloads folder
Once the relevant files have been selected, you "Submit" it
In order to view maps/models, the default interface provides a single-button solutions to start Coot:
It will initially ask what to use
You need to browse to /home/sw/sharp/20150504/bin
select helpers.x-coot
and click "Open". If everything works for you after this, you could also check the "Do this automatically for files like this from now on"