This document will describe the recommended steps to update a standalone SHARP/autoSHARP installation from the July 2009 to the October 2012 version. Since there has been a rather long time between those two releases, not all possible situations regarding operating system and setup combinations can be covered. So please take these notes here as an outline only - that should help you get started if you plan to update an existing and working installation of SHARP/autoSHARP.
However, we recommend to perform a fresh installation if at all possible: this will ensure all settings reflect the current machine and environment correctly. Please see the installation instructions as well as the installation help for more details.
If you have any questions, please contact the developers at
If you still plan to update your existing installation: make sure to backup your existing installation eg with something like
% cd /where/ever % tar -czvf sharp260_backup_201210.tar.gz sharp
The notation above uses the '%' character to mark the command-line prompt within a terminal window.
All following steps need to be performed under the same user ID and on the same machine the original installation was done!
It might also be a good idea to stop the running SHARP server (httpd) using
% cd /where/ever/sharp % . ./ # bash/sh/ksh/zsh - or - % source ./setup.csh # tcsh/csh % kill_server SHARP % check_server SHARP
If you plan to re-use the existing httpd binary, you might need to ensure that it will not get overwritten. First find out which binary is currently used with
% httpd-setup `hostname -s`
and then copy/save it eg with
% cp -pvi helpers/linux/httpd helpers/linux/httpd.`hostname -s`
Download the new files from our main SHARP/autoSHARP page. You might need to use the tools available on that page (renewal of existing licences, sending a reminder and/or the current download username/password) to get those files - see SharpAutosharpLicensing for more details regarding the licensing model and mechanism.
In the end you should have two new files in your existing installation directory:
Just running
% ./ -u
should update the existing installation.
To have the correct setting for the environmental variable SHARP_home (required for correct running of the CCP4i interface to autoSHARP), the files
need to be updated too:
% sed "s/BDG_home/SHARP_home/g" | \ awk '/^true/{ print "BDG_home=$SHARP_home" print "export BDG_home"} {print}' > % mv % sed "s/BDG_home/SHARP_home/g" setup.csh | \ awk '/^true/{ print "setenv BDG_home=${SHARP_home}" } {print}' > % mv setup.csh-new setup.csh
It might be a good idea, to go through some of the configuration again - checking that they are correct and pointing to the latest versions of external software:
The setup files for CCP4 are all in $BDG_home/machines/*/ccp4.setup. You can either edit them by hand, or use the administrative tool:
% ccp4-setup
The setup files for SHELX are all in $BDG_home/machines/*/shelx.setup. You can either edit them by hand, or use the administrative tool:
% shelx-setup
A newer version of the Apache httpd can be compiled using
% cd helpers/linux % ./
which can then be used with
% httpd-setup `hostname -s`