[sharp-discuss] OS X / UNIX, how do I enable helper apps for viewing maps

Jochen Kuper jochen.kuper at virchow.uni-wuerzburg.de
Tue Dec 15 17:40:16 CET 2009

Dear All,

this is a thread that somehow ended in 2005 seemingly without being resolved. Since I encounter the same problem as Mike at that time I wonder whether it has been solved?



Hi Mike,

it surprises me that you should need to give the $PWD as
well. We create a tar file in $BDG_scr (which you can set to whatever
you want in the host-setup dialogue, usually something like
/tmp). When this file is 'served' by the httpd to the client
(i.e. firefox) it should already contain the whole path. But maybe OsX
is 'special' in this respect ...

And yes: spaces in directories is a bit silly (in my opinion).

As you noticed, you should be able to create your own little
helpers.x-SOMETHING script (I would call it something new, since an
update of your SHARP/autoSHARP installation will overwrite your
changed file; something like helpers.x-oOsX).

What you also probably need to change (since you needed the enclosing
quotes) is the $BDG_home/bin/helpers script: the helpers.x-SOMETHING
are just wrappers (because Mozilla/Firefox can't handle several
arguments as can Netscape). And in $BDG_home/bin/helpers there might
also be the need for quotes.

I will have a look at this ...



On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 11:04:10AM -0700, Michael L. Quillin wrote:
> Hi Clemens,
> I saw this thread in the sharp-discuss archives (I apologize for not 
> subscribing) and have been trying to sort out a similar problem. There 
> are several issues that I have encountered trying to set up O as a 
> viewer for SHARP under OS X. First, /usr and other directories listed 
> in /.hidden are hidden from the OS X finder and open dialogs. Removing 
> /usr or /sw from /.hidden will allow scripts placed under these trees 
> to be specified as helper applications. Second, when opening map.pl 
> with helper.x-onew manually, information about where map.pl is located 
> is lost. I fixed this by inserting $PWD/ before $1 when calling the 
> helpers script in helpers.x-onew. Third, since many OS X directory 
> names (foolishly) include spaces, $PWD/$1 needs to be enclosed in 
> double quotes. Fourth, since I am running gnome on top of X-windows I 
> use the rooted option. Since O for OS X runs under Aqua, switching 
> back-and-forth between O and X-windows becomes cumbersome. I fixed this 
> by changing the xterm call in helpers.x-onew to the following:
> echo `dirname $0`/helpers \"$PWD/$1\" chemical/x-onew > $$.com
> chmod u+x $$.com
> open -a /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app $$.com
> That opens the Aqua-based Terminal application that most people use to 
> run O under OS X (adding $$.com to the final rm call cleans up this 
> file as well).
> Unfortunately, in spite of all of these changes and even though I can 
> manually call the helper script, I cannot get Firefox to open the 
> helper script properly. My hunch is that Firefox expects the helper 
> application to be an OS X application rather than a simple executable 
> file.
> At any rate, I hope that you have not discussed this on sharp-discuss 
> already (I didn't see any follow-up postings after mid-April). If you 
> have any suggestions, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Mike


Dr. Jochen Kuper
Rudolf Virchow Center for Biomedical Research
Josef Schneider Strasse 2, Haus D15
97070 Wuerzburg
+49 (0) 9313180391
jochen.kuper at virchow.uni-wuerzburg.de

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