[sharp-discuss] Error upon using of "useSHARP" command

商元 shangyuan5000 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 04:41:30 CEST 2010

Hello, Mr.Handsomes:

After the installation of SHARP/AutoSHARP, I use "adm/bin/newuser yuan
/opt/sharp/users/yuan spl at ust.hk" command to add a new user.
And then, in the users directory, there are 5 files, list below

yuan at yuan-desktop:/opt/sharp/users/yuan$ ls
email.newuser-sharp  None.sharp  sharp.dat  sharpfiles  user.setup

After that, I run "useSHARP yuan" command to active sharp for my user
"yuan", and the program echoed the following result:

yuan at yuan-desktop:/opt/sharp/users/yuan$ ../../bin/useSHARP yuan


       Welcome to the user setup of SHARP and SUSHI

       Copyright (C) 1999-2007 by Global Phasing Ltd.


 ========= Section 1 : pre-installation checks

 searching command sed: done

 NOTE : The account that is running the SHARP server -
        (UNIX) user yuan, (UNIX) group yuan -
        must be able to access your "sharpfiles" directory
        and all directories under it. If this (UNIX) account
        is in the same (UNIX) group as you are you could
        selected "group" permissions. Otherwise, please
        select permissions for "all".

        Permissions ? [g]roup/[a]ll > a

 ========= Section 2 : creating directories and links

 NOTE : The directory in which SHARP files will be stored is

 NOTE : If you are not happy with this location, you should
        talk to your BDG system administrator (spl at ust.hk) to
        change it

        Continue with configuration ? [y]es/[n]o > y
mkdir: cannot create directory `./sharpfiles': File exists

 ERROR : Unable to create directory "./sharpfiles"

As it shown above,"ERROR, Unable to creat directory "./sharpfiles".
I have tried various methods, change the pemission of users directory to
"777", or delete the "None.sharp" and "Sharpfiles", or make a "sharpfiles"
directory for the program, but none of these worked.
Any suggestions to make it?

Thanks in advance!

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