[sharp-discuss] installing Sharp autoSharp in mac

Debajyoti Dutta debajyoti_dutta47 at rediffmail.com
Sat Jan 12 07:32:35 CET 2013

Hi all,
I am stucked with the installation of the newer version of sharp and autoharp in mac. I installed the 6.3.0 version of ccp4 that automatically
get installed in /application. Now when I am going to install sharp_autosharp it is returning the following massage 

>Debajyotis-MacBook-Pro:Sharp_autoSharp debajyoti$ ./GPhL_SHARP_install.sh 

 GPhL_SHARP_install.sh   version   
 Clemens Vonrhein 


  1. Some basic checks


 NOTE: checking for file with licence keys. You need a set of licence
       keys for each machine/computer you want to run the software
       on. Please send the relevant information to one of these

           proc-develop at globalphasing.com
           sharp-develop at globalphasing.com
           buster-develop at globalphasing.com.

       Darwin/Mac OsX:
          % /sbin/ifconfig -a | awk '/^en/{i=split($1,a,":")}/ether /{print a[1] "-" $2}'


  2. Checking environment for required/recommended 3rd-party software

 ERROR: CCP4 not configured/setup
-rw-r--r--  1 debajyoti  staff  997 Jan 12 01:16 GPhL_SHARP_install.sh.20130112_011625.log

please help me regarding the installation of sharp.

Thanks in advance

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