Make sure to also look at the page explaining looking at autoPROC+STARANISO results at Diamond (what files to use e.g. for refinement).


Getting started:



Real-life (your) data:

Looking at ligands (and all that):


Software setup

We will run BUSTER from the command-line. So open a terminal on one of the processing machines and run

    module load ccp4-workshop

followed by some manual adjustments (the above command doesn't set our programs up correctly)

    . /dls_sw/apps/GPhL/SHARP/sharp-2.8.12/
    . /dls_sw/apps/GPhL/autoPROC/20230726/
    . /dls_sw/apps/GPhL/BUSTER/20230726/

This will load all necessary software components into your environment. However, the gnuplot installations provided by this seem to be broken - which can be seen by running

    aB_gnuplot --version

which might return an error like

gnuplot: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

If that is the case, just run

    module unload gnuplot

which should fix this.

There seems another problem with CCP4 (making autoPROC fail): several standard CCP4-related variables are not set and you need to also do

    . /dls_sw/apps/ccp4/8.0.016/ccp4-8.0/bin/ccp4.setup-sh

to fix that.

It seems as if the specific setup doesn't allow use of all available threads for running a particular job - so you need to restrict this when running our programs (which have some highly parallelised sections and by default will try and use all available threads). You could run with e.g.

    process -nthreads 8 ...
    refine -nthreads 8 ...
    aP_scale -nthreads 8 ...

or change/set the environment variable

    export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8

before running the commands shown below.

Getting help

You should now be able to see the online help via

    refine -h

Note: It might be useful to make the terminal window larger, especially wide enough to avoid ugly line breaks that make it difficult to read the content of that help message.

There are some so-called macros available (collections of parameter settings for a particular task): for details see

    refine -M list

Basic usage

As you can see, there are a lot of different flags to use, but the most common ones will be

-p <PDB> specifies input model PDB file
-m <MTZ> specifies input reflection MTZ file (e.g. "staraniso_alldata-unique.mtz" or "truncate-unique.mtz" from autoPROC
-l <CIF> extra restraints directory for non-standard ligand/compound; several -l flags can be given
-autoncs or -autoncs2 to switch on use of LSSR restraints for non-crystallographic symmetry (NCS); remember that this flag is neutral if you don't have NCS
-RB start with a simplified rigid-body refinement cycle
-L if looking for a potential ligand

Remember that one BUSTER job (i.e. what happens when running the refine command) consists of multiple so-called "big" cycles - usually 5 - with (by default) up to 100 "small" cycles (iterations) each. Between each big cycle, the bulk solvent model is updated, X-ray weight automatically adjusted and (if requested) the solvent model (waters) is updated. Void correction happens before the final cycle.

If in ligand detection mode (with -L flag), the analysis of residual density for potential ligand binding sites also happens before the last big cycle.

Full automation

To run multiple BUSTER jobs (which in turn run multiple refinement jobs internally) in a defined order with increasing parametrisation, you can use the aB_autorefine command with a bare minimum of input - typically just

    aB_autorefine -p your.pdb -m your.mtz -d aB_autorefine | tee aB_autorefine.lis

This will make decisions about use of NCS, TLS, hydrogenation, solvent model update, ADP parametrisation and occupancy refinement. You'll end up with a series of BUSTER refinement subdirectories, with the final one in aB_autorefine/last.

Other tools

Other tools you might want to look at (all will give help messages if run with -h flag):

            aB_hydrogenate -full -p input.pdb -o output.pdb



We need the following files for this tutorial:

You can download the files fomr the links above (right mouse click and then "Save Link As ..." (or similar, depending on your OS/browser). But you can also fetch them directly via e.g.


(just cut-and-paste this into a terminal window).

Alternative reflection data

For this 5Z5U example, you could also try and use the 5z5u_all.mtz MTZ file (data to 1.1 A resolution) instead of the default 1.6 A one ({file:5z5u.mtz} MTZ file). It is not quite clear why the structure was refined only against 1.63 A data (the resolution of the deposited amplitudes), but intensities to 1.1A were deposited. This might be related to the severe anisotropy of the data:

Diffraction limits & principal axes of ellipsoid fitted to diffraction cut-off surface:

                              1.846         1.0000   0.0000   0.0000       a*
                              1.197         0.0000   1.0000   0.0000       b*
                              1.298         0.0000   0.0000   1.0000       c*

We could upload that high-resolution MTZ file (containing intensities) to the STARANISO server in order to create a new MTZ file after anisotropy analysis and correction:

5Z5T zExFRHWgTyXh3toC 5Z5T_staraniso.mtz
5Z5U OgRcZddTCt6VA6f1 5Z5U_staraniso.mtz
5Z5V 04ovtY0TMyyatfVq 5Z5V_staraniso.mtz

Refinement steps

We can run a map-only computation using

    refine -p 5z5u.pdb -m 5z5u.mtz -l 96U.cif -M MapOnly -d 5z5u.00 | tee 5z5u.00.lis

and look at the maps with

    cd 5z5u.00
    coot --pdb refine.pdb --auto refine.mtz

or with

    cd 5z5u.00

What can you see? Is there something interesting in the model and/or maps - especially for the ligand? Maybe some alternate conformations to be modelled? Or a wrong ligand (compare to PDB entry 5Z5T and the 96R compound, 96R.cif)?

A full refinement would look like this (see also your BUSTER reference card handout: and the manual):

    refine -p 5z5u.pdb -m 5z5u.mtz -l 96U.cif -d 5z5u.01 | tee 5z5u.01.lis

and look at the maps with

    cd 5z5u.01
    coot --pdb refine.pdb --auto refine.mtz

or with

    cd 01

If you modelled some alternate conformations or partially occupied residues/atoms, you could then run

    cd ../

    pdb2occ -p 5z5u.01/refine-coot-0.pdb -o 5z5u.01/refine-coot-0.occ

    refine -p 5z5u.01/refine-coot-0.pdb -m 5z5u.mtz -l 96U.cif -Gelly 01/refine-coot-0.occ -d 5z5u.02 | tee 5z5u.02.lis

and then look again at the model and maps with

    cd 5z5u.02
    coot --pdb refine.pdb --auto refine.mtz

See also the examples in the manual for details.


Files for 7XJ5

The 7XJ5 model seems to need a bit more refinement - at least when judging from the validation report. You can take the files

or get them afresh via

    fetch_PDB 7XJ5

and the ECW restraint dictionary from the Grade webserver or from here: ECW.cif. You can also download all files using


(just cut-and-paste this into a terminal window).

You might be able to run the refinement then yourself and look at the resulting maps - especially around the ligand.


A simple map-only start would be to run

    refine -p 7xj5.pdb -m 7xj5.mtz -l ECW.restraints.cif -M MapOnly -d 7xj5.MapOnly | tee 7xj5.MapOnly.lis
    coot 7xj5.pdb 7xj5.MapOnly/refine.mtz

A full refinement could be done with

    refine -p 7xj5.pdb -m 7xj5.mtz -l ECW.restraints.cif -d 7xj5.01 | tee 01.lis
    coot 7xj5.01/refine.pdb 7xj5.01/refine.mtz

Alternatively, you could try the automatic refinement protocol provided by aB_autorefine with

    aB_autorefine -p 7xj5.pdb -m 7xj5.mtz -l ECW.restraints.cif -d 7xj5.02 | tee 7xj5.02.lis
    coot 7xj5.02/refine.pdb 7xj5.02/refine.mtz

which will produce a final summary - showing e.g. the progress of R/Rfree at various steps:

    display 7xj5.02_summary.png
7xj5.02_summary.png (click on image for larger version)

Please note how BUSTER starts with a very similar R/Rfree as the deposited model (refined with phenix originally), but manages to significantly reduce this from 0.272/0.293 to 0.196/0.220 - via the use of a simple TLS parametrisation, automatic solvent model update and the use of hydrogens (the latter seems to have little impact though). This might be a very beneficial (and maybe outlier) example, but it shows that sometimes the fully automatic, all-default runs can already do a fairly good job at maybe providing a better starting point for manual model corrections and interpretations.

Looking at the validation report of that (re-)refined model:

deposited (re-)refined
7xj5_deposited_validation-report.png 7xj5.02_validation-report.png

The model here might need some re-evaluation of the metal sites (and maybe additional sites) as well as the ligand itself.

Working with own data

What you need to have available:

Note: If you don't have your own model/data yet and want to use an existing PDB deposition, use PDBid

(with the correct PDB identifier of course) to get the model and reflection data as MTZ.

Some other tools that might be relevant for your particular problem (all support the -h flag to give you a help message):

After some initial refinement (and model building) you could also allow for automatic update of the water structure. So maybe start with something like

    refine -p my.pdb -m my.mtz -l ligand.cif -autoncs -d 01 | tee 01.lis

    cd 01
    coot --pdb refine.pdb --auto refine.mtz

(and do all necessary work in Coot, saving the coordinates at the end). The next step would then be

    cd ..
    refine -p 01/refine-coot-0.pdb -m my.mtz -l ligand.cif -autoncs -WAT -d 02 | tee 02.lis

    cd 02
    coot --pdb refine.pdb --auto refine.mtz

Switching on TLS refinement could be done via

    refine -p 02/refine.pdb -m my.mtz -l ligand.cif -autoncs -M TLSbasic -d 03 | tee 03.lis

    cd 03
    coot --pdb refine.pdb --auto refine.mtz

Using ADP refinement (for high resolution data):

    refine -p 03/refine.pdb -m my.mtz -l ligand.cif -autoncs -M ADP -d 04 | tee 04.lis

    cd 04
    coot --pdb refine.pdb --auto refine.mtz

Further automation

Since the 20220608 release we provide another level of automation with the aB_autorefine interface to BUSTER: it combines some high-level decision making about model parametrisation with a defined sequence of individual BUSTER jobs - and might be a good starting point for initial model refinement. See

    aB_autorefine -h

for usage information.