Installation, Configuration & Testing


Grade2 is installed as part of the BUSTER distribution. For a full description of how to install BUSTER please see the installation documentation available at

Grade2 uses the Mogul and the CSD Python API tools from the CCDC. Because of this Grade2 requires an installation of the CSD-Core package to work. For details on how to obtain CSD-Core please see

If no local installation of CSD-Core is available, we would recommend using the Grade Webserver at (for non-confidential ligands). The Grade Webserver will soon be upgraded to use Grade2.

Initial Configuration

To work Grade2 needs to be able to locate the CSD and CSD Python API installations. The locations are found by setting environment variable(s). If you have followed the BUSTER Snapshot Installation Guide available at and can run Grade it is likely that Grade2 will already work.

To check whether Grade2 can find the CSD installations use the grade2 command-line option -checkdeps:

grade2 -checkdeps

If this results in a final line starting with SUCCESS then Grade2 has been successfully setup, for example:

$ grade2 -checkdeps
 ##   [grade2] ligand restraint dictionary generation

 ... (output abbreviated) ...

 -checkdeps option: verbose dependencies check for required external tools
                   with tests all tools work properly.
 CSD installation found
 Test using carbon dioxide from SMILES O=C=O bond angle:
 RDKit generated molecule and coordinates from input SMILES: O=C=O
 CHECK: Check the molecule's InChiKey against known PDB components:
 CHECK: Exact match to PDB chemical component(s):
 CHECK:   CO2 "carbon dioxide"
 For help on checks against known PDB components, , see:  ....
 Minimization with MMFF94s reduces energy from 30.80 to 0.00 kcal/mol
 Using CCDC Mogul-like geometry analysis.
 Mogul version 2022.2.0, CSD version 543, csd-python-api 3.0.13
 Mogul Data Libraries: as543be_ASER, Mar22_ASER, Jun22_ASER
 Geometry Optimization is turned off.
 Result: O=C=O ideal bond angle 179.1 degs from Mogul_mean_30_hits
 SUCCESS: grade2 -checkdeps indicates that everything needed to run grade2 works fine

If instead grade2 -checkdeps has lines starting with ERROR then you should set the shell variable BDG_TOOL_MOGUL to the location the mogul executable on your system. If are a sh, bash or dash user this can be achieved by a command like:

export BDG_TOOL_MOGUL=/Applications/CCDC/CSD_2022/

whereas if you are a tcsh or csh you should use a command like:

setenv BDG_TOOL_MOGUL /Applications/CCDC/CSD_2022/

You will need to modify the command used to the correct location on your system.

Please note that there was a major change in the CSD file locations and configuration in the release CSD 2023.1 made in April 2023. This can lead to problems where Grade2 terminates with a "CSDNotFoundException" error, if this occurs please see: FAQ Grade2 terminates with a "CSDNotFoundException", what should I do?.

As well as setting the environment variable BDG_TOOL_MOGUL, if there has been creative use of symbolic links, it might be necessary to set the environment variable BDG_TOOL_CSD_PYTHON_API to the location of the Python_API_2022 directory or csd-python-api directory included in your CSD distribution.

Once you have found the environment variables necessary to get grade2 -checkdeps reporting SUCCESS it is best if these are added to the BUSTER or setup_local.csh file, as explained in the BUSTER Snapshot Installation Guide BUSTER configure section. This means that the Grade2 configuration will done together with BUSTER by the setup script or setup.csh.

Testing Grade2

To test whether Grade2 has been configured correctly then use the grade2 command-line option -checkdeps:

grade2 -checkdeps

If this does not result in a final line that starts with SUCCESS then please follow instructions in the Configuration section above.

To test that all the components used by Grade2 work as expected on your system then run the command grade2_tests. For example:

$ grade2_tests
 using CSD from $CSDHOME=/Applications/CCDC/CSD_2022
============================ test session starts =============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.7.4, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /Users/osmart/GPhL/BUSTER_snapshot_20220420/.mc/darwin/lib/python3.7/site-packages/grade2/tests
plugins: forked-1.2.0, cov-2.11.1, xdist-2.2.0, mock-3.5.1
collected 350 items .......                                             [  2%] .................                        [  6%] .............................             [ 15%] ....                                     [ 16%] .......................................... [ 28%]
............................                                           [ 36%] .......................                      [ 42%] ....                                     [ 44%] ................................................... [ 58%]
............................................                           [ 71%] ..........                                    [ 74%] .....                                       [ 75%] ..                                              [ 76%] ....s.............                   [ 81%] ..                                          [ 81%] ...........                         [ 84%] .............                                [ 88%] .............                                    [ 92%] .ss                                                [ 93%] ...................                     [ 98%] .....                                                [100%]

================= 347 passed, 3 skipped in 209.53s (0:03:29) =================

grade2_tests will run over 300 unit, functional and integration tests written as part of the test-driven development used for coding Grade2. Any failure is serious, please report it to

Please also see the Examples section for how to run/test the grade2 command-line tool.

Advanced Configuration

If is possible to configure site-specific features for Grade2 by using the environment variables as set out below. Do not worry about these if are a new user of Grade2.

Grade2 environment variables

In general, environment variables are used to configure an installation of Grade2 by specifying site-specific choices that have can be set once and will not vary from run to run. In contrast, command-line arguments are used to specify things that will vary for individual grade2 runs.

It is best Grade2 environment variables are are added to the BUSTER or setup_local.csh file, as explained in the BUSTER Snapshot Installation Guide BUSTER configure section, so that there are setup together with BUSTER. Users can of course set or alter any of the environment variables if they wish by using export or setenv (depending on the shell they use).


BDG_TOOL_MOGUL is the environment variable that gives the location of the Mogul executable. Grade2 does not use this executable but instead uses it to find the location of CSD data and the CSD Python API direction. Please see the Initial Configuration section above for more detail.


Grade2 is distributed with BUSTER within in a miniconda environment. In order to work with the CSD Python API that is loaded at run time from the CSD Python API distributed with the CSD the two Python versions must be compatible. To use Grade2 following release 1.4.1 or above with a CSD installation that predates 2023.2.0, released in July 2023 set the environment variable BDG_GRADE2_PYTHON_VERSION to 3.7. If not set, then BDG_GRADE2_PYTHON_VERSION currently defaults to 3.9.


BDG_TOOL_CSD_PYTHON_API is provided in case it is necessary to provide the of the CSD Python API directory included in the CSD distribution. If you have a standard CSD installation then the location of CSD Python API will be found from BDG_TOOL_MOGUL, so it is seldom necessary to set BDG_TOOL_CSD_PYTHON_API. Please see the Initial Configuration section above for more detail.


The grade2 command line option --pubchem_names does an online lookup the systematic (IUPAC) name for ligands that occur in PubChem. This online search involves uploading the SMILES string of the molecule to the PubChem server. For this reason, the --pubchem_names option should not be used for confidential ligands. To be extra careful, by default the --pubchem_names option is deactivated until the environment variable is set. To enable the --pubchem_names option set BDG_GRADE2_PUBCHEM_NAMES_ON_ACCEPT_SMILES_TO_WEB to "yes".

Apologies for the long name but it is chosen to explicitly show you have accepted that the ligand's SMILES string is uploaded to a public web server.


The --lookup option provides a mechanism whereby an external script is invoked to look up details of a ligand from a database. To use your own script, set environment variable BDG_GRADE2_LIGAND_LOOKUP to the location of the script. Please see the --lookup option for more details.


When BUSTER is installed on some Ubuntu Linux OS the --lookup ID using the default script distributed with BUSTER can fail terminating with an error message that includes SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED. A similar error when the --pubchem_names option is used. If the problem occurs set environment variable BDG_GRADE2_SSL_DISABLE_VERIFICATION to "yes". This will disable SSL verification for PubChem lookups and should mean the options work. As you should not using the options for any confidential ligands turning off verification should be fine.


Set BDG_GRADE2_CIF_LOOP_ALL to "yes" to write all CIF categories as loops, even if they only contain a single item. Currently this only affects category gphl_chem_comp_info which by default is written using key-value pairs as this makes inspection easier. All other CIF categories are written as loops anyway.


By default, the grade2_tests tool does not run tests that use external online services, as these can be unavailable because of maintenance or network issues. Set BDG_GRADE2_CIF_LOOP_ALL to "yes" to turn on the tests involving external online services. This will enable testing of the --pubchem_names and the --lookup ID options.